Chapter one Shattered Innocence🩸

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It started as just another ordinary day. The sun rose, birds chirped, and the world went about its business, unaware of the storm brewing in my heart. I dragged myself out of bed, preparing for another day of the same old routine. My name is Emily, and at 18 years old, I felt like I was already carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Living in a quiet town with my uncle Marlo, I kept mostly to myself. However, I was lucky to have three best friends who understood me like no one else. But ever since my mom's accident a few months back, I hadn't been the same. That one event had shaken me to the core, leaving me feeling lost and adrift.
Now, my mom resided in a nursing home, a constant reminder of how fragile life truly is now days She was my rock, my guiding light, and seeing her in that state tore me apart. Before moving in with my uncle, it was just me and her against the world. We had each other's backs through thick and thin, but as they say, life has a way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it. Now that I'm living with my uncle Marlo, my mom's brother, for the time being, he's been like a second father to me. He's always there for me, supporting me and letting me know I can stay with him as long as I need to. As I navigate through high school, things feel strange without my mom by my side to offer guidance. It was as if she wasn't really there, yet her presence lingered. I preferred not to dwell on it in that way. Instead, I chose to focus on the positive, always giving thanks to the universe for continuing to keep her close. But I'm motivated to give it my all. I'm committed to making her proud, just as she always made me feel. The morning was cool and quiet as I made my way down the familiar street to meet up with my best friend, Martha. Martha has always been my go-to person. We've known each other since we were little girls and I've always felt comfortable sharing anything with her. Just a month ago, Martha welcomed a precious baby boy into the world, naming him Eli. She resides in a charming brick house with her mom, but at times, she yearns to break free from the weight of expectations and demands her mother places on her, especially now that she's a mother too. Martha decided on Eli's name, drawing inspiration from a beloved show we both cherished from our childhood. Juggling her duties with her baby, school assignments, and her mom's high hopes can feel like a giant mountain for Martha to climb. Martha had taken on two jobs, one at a restaurant and the other at a grocery store. She worked tirelessly to save up money for herself and her baby, dreaming of the day when they could move into their own apartment. As the sun timidly rose in the sky, its gentle light painted a warm hue over the neighborhood, illuminating the familiar sights along the street.
Approaching Martha's house, my eyes were drawn to a cluster of boys hanging around nearby. Their presence felt odd, like they were a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit into our tranquil neighborhood. Dismissing the uneasy feeling, I made my way to Martha's front door and rapped my knuckles against it.
"Martha, come on! We need to go get Brandon before the bus arrives," I called out, eager to stick to our usual routine.
"I'll be right there, Emily," Martha's voice floated through the door.
Little did I know, that morning would be the start of an unexpected adventure that would change everything. As I sat, waiting for Martha, I glanced at the time. It read 6:45 in the morning Before the storm started, I had a craving for doughnuts. There was a donut shop right across the street from a gas station in our neighborhood. Normally, I don't eat in the morning, but on this particular day, my stomach was growling, demanding food.
When Martha emerged, we decided to walk to the donut shop. Inside, there was a beautiful lady with curly hair ready to take our orders. "What can I help you girls with?" she asked. I ordered two kolaches, one doughnut, and a coffee on the side. Martha, on the other hand, simply requested two glazed doughnuts.
It was a simple morning filled with the promise of a sweet treat and good company "Here you girls go, enjoy the beautiful curly hair, lady said as Martha and I walked out of the donut shop. I noticed the same group of boys I had just seen not too long ago but this time at a gas station. "Weird," I said to myself, not thinking much of it. As we crossed back over the street, with me eating my kolaches and Martha enjoying her donuts, We came upon the first two rows of trees, and to our surprise, the trees were adorned with vibrant red dots of ink. Martha and I exchanged puzzled glances before I tentatively reached out to touch the mysterious markings. A strange feeling of excitement bubbled within me, though I couldn't quite comprehend why. Turning to Martha, I suggested we need to get Brandon before the bus showed up. We headed over to Brandon's house, the clock striking 7:00 am. The bus would be coming soon, but Brandon lived just five minutes away from us. We were all neighbors, except for Lucas. Brandon wasn't just a friend to us; he was like a long- lost brother. We first met him at the beginning of our sophomore year when he moved to our small town from California after his grandmother passed away.
Before meeting us, Brandon had never really had any friends. He often felt lonely, but our group changed that for him. Despite still having his struggles, he knew he could always count on us. In addition to his schoolwork, Brandon was a natural when it came to art. In his free time, he immersed himself in the world of painting and crafting, using his talent to convey his innermost thoughts and emotions. Brandon's exceptional skills had earned him numerous awards, solidifying his reputation as a gifted artist. He particularly enjoyed participating in art shows, where he could share his creations with fellow artists and art enthusiasts. The thrill of showcasing and selling his artwork to like- minded individuals fueled his passion even more
As Brandon stepped out of the house, he wore a black and white striped t- shirt paired with denim red overalls and eye-catching red Converse shoes. In his hands, he held a freshly painted art piece. The bright red of his shoes stood out against the muted morning light, bringing a splash of color to the otherwise serene neighborhood."Hey, what's up, top of the morning sisters Brandon greeted us cheerfully.
"At the summit, Martha playfully remarked, real top looking like a fire hydrant."haha don't make fun of me I look good," Brandon retorted with a grin, continuing our playful banter in our friendship. Boy whatever Martha replied.
We strolled over to the familiar bus stop, the three of us chatting as we waited for the bus to arrive. Brandon brought up the topic, "Hey, have you guys heard about the new kid who recently moved into house 404 down the road?"
Martha and I shook our heads in unison. "Nope, haven't heard a thing," I answered.
"Same here," Martha added.
Brandon scratched his head. "Well, all I know is that he lives with his dad, and they call him hoodie boy Apparently, he's a new kid that recently moved down here and gets dropped off at school every morning."ummm Emily said
Just as Martha was about to tackle her never-ending pile of dishes, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. She glanced at the screen to see that it was her mom calling. Answering the call, Martha listened as her mom explained that she needed someone to watch baby Eli because she couldn't do it herself.
"Mom, I don't have anyone to watch him tonight. I have work. You said you would take care of him if I did the dishes, and pay the water bill Martha replied, a hint of frustration in her voice. Juggling responsibilities and facing challenges seemed to be a recurring theme in Martha's life at the moment.
"Well, I have other things I need to take care of. You're the parent, Martha. You need to be responsible for your child," her mother's voice came through the phone.
Martha sighed, feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders. It was a reminder that sometimes in life, we have to step up and take on the challenges that come our way, no matter how overwhelming they may seem.
Martha inhaled deeply before speaking, "Okay, Mom." She turned her gaze to Brandon and me, her expression tinged with concern. I'm not going to school today I have to take care of my son she admitted, her voice tinged with doubt. "I don't understand how she thinks I can improve my grades and transform into this extraordinary person when she keeps piling on the pressure." Martha paused, visibly flustered. "I'm not even sure how I'll complete this assignment."
Emily, being the natural problem solver that she was, suggested, "Martha, why don't you bring him over to my uncle's place? I can look after baby Eli for you tonight. Martha's eyes lit up with gratitude as she turned to her best friend. "You're always there for me, Em. I don't know what I'd do without you," Martha said, her face breaking into a smile.
I couldn't help but join in, enveloping Martha in a warm hug. "Don't worry, Martha. We've got you covered," I reassured her. Just then, the bus appeared down our road. The three of us walked towards it and hopped on board. As Martha, Brandon, and I settled into our seats, we noticed the new boy that Brandon had mentioned earlier. According to Brandon, the hoodie boy is new in town and is a car rider that live with his dad on their way to school. Glancing out the window in an attempt to catch a glimpse of him, all I could see was a fleeting view of his hair. And with that, We headed towards the school on our bus, the anticipation building with each passing mile. Finally, we arrived at our destination - Shadow Ridge Academy, our beloved school that held countless memories and adventures waiting to be experienced. Everyone begrudgingly stepped off the bus and made their way into the school building. The clock showed 8:00am, with class set to start at 8:20 am I found myself alongside Brandon and Martha in the bustling hallways, anticipating Lucas's arrival. It had become our daily routine to exchange greetings before starting our day, a simple tradition that brought us closer together. The atmosphere was filled with the usual chatter and laughter as students mingled in the halls, including me and my friends.
Finally, Lucas appeared and made his way towards us with a big grin on his face. "Hey, what's good, my ride or dies?" he exclaimed, his familiar greeting bringing a sense of camaraderie to our group. Lucas was a dedicated sports player who excelled in soccer, football, tennis, and basketball. He had a natural talent for basketball and had won numerous awards because of his skills. However, his passion for sports came to a halt when he suffered a serious leg injury. Since then, Lucas had lost interest in playing sports and instead turned to reading books to keep his mind engaged and to learn.
In his first year of sophomore we really got to understand Lucas on a deeper level. He opened up to us about the challenges he experienced while living with his father, who was always urging him to pursue activities that didn't align with his passions. Lucas preferred losing himself in books rather than engaging in other pursuits, especially given the incident with his leg. The pressure from his father's high expectations took a toll on Lucas, leading to friction and a sense of isolation. Fortunately, when Lucas was with us, he felt at ease. The four of us provided a safe space where he could be himself without fear of judgment or criticism.
Walking together to the library, Lucas returned his books, finding solace in the company of friends who accepted him unconditionally. As we strolled into the cafeteria for breakfast, I passed on getting anything since I had already indulged in kolaches and donuts. Lucas then proposed, "Hey, you guys want to catch the movie tonight?" Martha replied, "I'd love to, but I have work and Emily is on babysitting duty tonight." "Yeah, I added, although deep down, I really wanted to go to the movie too with my friends. "Brandon, are you free tonight?" Lucas inquired, leaning over. "Say less, I'm in," Brandon promptly replied. Just as the bell rang for first period, it was time for class. "Oh, dang ," Lucas said. "Yeah, time to go," Brandon replied, Both Brandon and Lucas were struggling to finish their food, looking like they were in a race to see who could swallow it down first. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "Hey, you two, let's meet up with Martha and me after first period," I called out to them. We then parted ways, heading to our respective classrooms. Arriving in first period, everything seemed perfectly normal. Mr. Jeff, our teacher, greeted us warmly, offering more donuts to the class. I politely declined, already having eaten earlier.
"Alright, everyone, take out your MacBooks and log onto," Mr. Jeff instructed. "You all have some questions to answer for our upcoming test. It's essential that you know the answers because this will count towards your grades. While I acknowledge that some of you have been diligent with your efforts, others have not. That's precisely why I've assigned this as homework. I need all of you to complete it. After that, take out your math books and start working on them."
Emily let out a sigh, clearly not in the mood to work. Despite her reluctance, she dutifully took out her MacBook and began the assigned task. Just a few minutes into her work, Emily glanced up at the classroom door window and saw a man passing by. His head was shaped in a way that seemed familiar to her. Shrugging off the feeling, she went back to her work. A few minutes later, she raised her hand and asked Mr. Jeff, "May I use the restroom?"
"Yes, you may," Mr. Jeff replied.
Emily walked down the hall towards the bathroom. After finishing up and heading back to class, she suddenly realized that the man she had just seen was her former science teacher, Mr. Ryan.
"Oh my goodness, hey Mr. Ryan! I haven't seen you in forever," Emily exclaimed.
"Well, hey there, Emily," he replied, looking surprised. "Wow, you're really growing up since the last time I saw you."
"Yeah, time flies," I said. "How's your mother? And how's life treating you?" he asked Mr. Ryan used to live in the neighborhood. He was familiar with my mom before her accident. I then responded
"Life has been unpredictable, but I'm managing one day at a time," i said And as for my mother, she's doing better. She's still at Hartford nursing home on Jody Street."
"Oh, really?" He responded. "I'm sure she would love to see you."
""Yes, I would love to go visit her," he said, feeling a pang of sadness for what my mother had gone through after her accident Mr. Ryan nodded sympathetically. As I looked at him, I could tell he understood the turmoil of emotions I was experiencing, reminiscent of how I felt about my own mom every day in her current state. "It was nice seeing my old teacher," I mentioned, feeling a warm sense of joy in my heart Well, I need to get back to class. It was very nice talking to you."
"You too, Emily. Keep your head up and keep moving forward," he encouraged me.
"I will," I promised, as I made my way back to class. Time slipped away quickly as I realized it was almost time to leave. I only had three more questions left on the assignment that needed to be turned in. I hurried to finish them as the bell rang, signaling the end of the first period. Mr. Jeff reminded the class that our projects were due by Thursday, emphasizing that our grades would be impacted if we failed to submit them. With that, he dismissed us, saying he would see us all again tomorrow. As I walked down the hallway, I was excited to finally meet Martha, Brandon, and Lucas. As we made our way down the hallway, we suddenly came across a troubling sight. A boy was being pushed and hit by a group of other boys, who were calling him hurtful names like "fart face" hoody patootie, and "faggot." The tension in the air was palpable as teachers and principals rushed to the scene to intervene and check on the boy's well-being. Despite the blood on his face, the boy stood up with remarkable composure and reassured everyone that he was okay. He then proceeded to walk calmly to the office accompanied by the principal and teachers. As the commotion settled, Lucas exclaimed, "Oh, what was that?" Martha and I exchanged a worried and confused glance, our faces reflecting a mix of fear and shock Brandon hesitantly revealed that the boy in the hoodie he had been mentioning at the bus stop that was actually him. Lucas looked at Brandon and Martha, did too dear curiosity, peeking, Brandon, mentioned that he had previously seen the hoodie boy in his art show, and they had a nice interaction. hoodie boy had shown interest in one of Brandon's beloved paintings, a piece featuring pink and blue swirls resembling shadows on water. He had expressed wanting to buy the painting for his father, and Brandon had agreed. However, after that day, Brandon never encountered hoodie boy again Martha was surprised that Brandon hadn't mentioned this sooner, then today but he explained that it had only happened a day ago. "Why didn't you tell us?" Lucas, asked with a puzzled expression.
Brandon shrugged, "I really didn't think much of it." Lucas asked curiously, you met him in person, right did you get to see what he looks like?"
"Yeah, actually, he's very chill. He wears glasses. And he's like 5'2," Brandon said. I nodded, curious.
"Why are they calling him hoodie boy?" I asked.
"Because he keeps it on consistently and never takes it off for anyone or anything," Brandon explained. We locked eyes, but I didn't press further because I had only caught a glimpse of the boy hair this morning how do you know why he keeps it on I look and ask Brandon
Just as the bell rang to start second period, Brandon turned to us and suggested we meet up for lunch after class. Martha and I agreed, and we walked together to our next class. Martha glanced at me with a troubled expression and opened up about feeling overwhelmed by life. She shared the difficulties of juggling two jobs and caring for her one-month-old baby all by herself.
I listened to Martha's struggles with empathy. "I understand, baby girl, It's tough. I find myself overstressed too, dealing with my mom, work, and trying to become independent and move out from my uncle's house," I said, offering her reassurance. "You're not alone. Me and you against the world.
Martha's face lit up with a big, bright smile. "Me and you against the world," she echoed. Our hands slowly separated as we went our separate ways to class, knowing that we had each other's backs through the challenges ahead. Now in my second period class, I glanced up at the clock. It was 11:45 AM. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, and all I wanted was to go home. However, I knew I had to babysit Martha's baby later, so I mentally prepared for that task.
"Hello, class," Miss Evans interrupted my thoughts. "We have a new classmate today."
A new classmate? I whispered to myself, intrigued. I couldn't resist staring at the door, wondering who would walk in. I had a strange premonition about the person's identity.
As the door creaked open and the figure stepped inside, Miss Evans introduced, "Everyone, meet Xavier."
My heart skipped a beat as I recognized him instantly. It was hoodie boy, the same boy who had just been beaten up. Miss Evans introduced Xavier to the class, explaining that he was new and had recently moved from a small town called Ashwood. He lived alone with his father and didn't have any siblings. She asked everyone to treat him kindly and with respect, reminding them that they had all been new somewhere before. As Xavier made his way to his seat, with his hoodie over his head and holding a napkin to his bloody nose, the rest of the class watched with puzzled expressions. Welcome to the class, Xavier miss Evans, said As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't believe that the boy Brandon was mentioned is now in my class. Miss Evans interrupted my thoughts again by announcing that report cards were due Thursday and that we had an assignment to complete that day. While Miss Evans continued speaking, I glanced behind me and noticed Xavier completely engrossed in texting on his phone under the table. I couldn't help but wonder who he was messaging. As I listened to Miss Evans, I opened my notebook and began working on my task. The first 15 minutes of class felt weird. Xavier was constantly tapping his pencil on the desk and shaking his leg uncontrollably. I couldn't focus on my work anymore because I was too concerned about him.
"We had five minutes left of class," Ms. Evans announced. "You can start packing up."
I hesitated before approaching Xavier, but I wanting to ask him about the painting Brandon had recently sold him. Just to get a sense of his vibe"Hey, I'm Emily," I introduced myself. "I live down the road from you. You're in my neighborhood. I saw what happened earlier. I'm sorry for that," I explained.
Xavier looked up at me, his hoodie pulled over his head, hiding his eyes. "Really?" he responded in a soft tone.
"Yeah," I replied a bit louder. Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of second period. as everyone started to make their way towards the door. Xavier was eager to leave and rushed out before I could even speak to him again. I watched him disappear into the hallway amidst the crowd of students. Feeling a bit puzzled, I began to walk slowly towards the cafeteria to meet up with Martha, Brandon, and Lucas I sat at the lunch table, a sense of unease washing over me. Glancing at Brandon, I leaned in and whispered, "You know, hoodie boy actually has a name - Xavier." Brandon's eyes widened in surprise. "He's in my class now," I added. The others at the table leaned in, their curiosity piqued.
"Well, how was he?" Martha asked eagerly. "Yeah, what's up with him Lucas chimed in.
I hesitated, trying to find the right words. "I couldn't really tell," I admitted. "He had his hoodie on the whole time, with a bloody napkin..." I trailed off, the image still fresh in my mind. "He just sat there, tapping his pencil on the desk and shaking his leg," I continued. "He really just seems misunderstood," I added, hoping they would understand. Emily turned to Brandon and looked into his eyes. "How much did you charge him for that painting?" she asked, a hint of frustration in her voice. "I made it like 3years ago."
Brandon shifted uncomfortably. "I charged him $70 for it," he confessed. "He seemed really interested in it, said he wanted to get it for his father."
Lucas chimed in, his curiosity piqued. "I wonder what's so detailed about the painting for him so much that he wanted to get it for his father
"I don't know," Emily replied honestly. "But I did notice him texting someone during class under the table."
Martha shrugged. "Who knows," she said with a bemused smile Miss Evans mentioned that he was from a small town called Ashwood. Lucas asked, "Where is that?" Emily wasn't sure and replied, "I don't know." Martha expressed her concern, "I feel kind of worried about him. I mean he did just get beat up today by a whole bunch of jerks. Who knows why though."Emily gazed at her friends sitting at the lunch table. Martha and Lucas were in front of her, with Brandon on her left. She leaned in, and asked them, ""Do you guys want to go find him and ask if he's okay? We don't have to pry into his personal life, but we should make sure he's doing alright." Brandon nodded in agreement, and Lucas joined in with a determined expression. Martha's eyes shifted between us, curious. "Do you know where he is?" she asked.
I shook my head. "No, but we can go find him and check up on him." Amidst the lively chatter and guffaws echoing through the school cafeteria, Martha, Brandon, Lucas, and I embarked on a quest to hunt down the hoodie boy...

to be continued... Chapter 2: "Silent Echoes: Unfolding the
Hoodie Boy" - Releases May 11, 2024
The mystery deepens as we explore the silent echoes of the past, revealing layers of complexity around the enigmatic hoodie boy please come back to see what happens may 11,2024 🤐💔🩸

 Chapter 2: "Silent Echoes: Unfolding theHoodie Boy" - Releases May 11, 2024The mystery deepens as we explore the silent echoes of the past, revealing layers of complexity around the enigmatic hoodie boy please come back to see what happens may 11...

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