011- Saving her

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Charlotte stood behind the bar. She felt as if she was having the longest shift of her life. She knew that things were all over the place when it came to her and klaus. She knew how they had kissed and she knew that they had a connection

She knew how messy it was. They weren't even the same species. Charlotte didn't know what it was but she knew how there was something about him. He was different. She also knew how he was a raving psychopath at the same time

Charlotte looked to see Chloe as she walked in "you look how I feel" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her sister and smiled

"It's been one of those weeks" Charlotte said as Chloe sat at the bar as Charlotte looked to her and smiled

"Tell me about it. Are you okay? You seem as if you have a lot on your mind" Chloe asked as Charlotte smiled

"I do. Let me guess Damon is the one messing with your head. I saw the four at the dance. I also saw the way that you and Elijah were also looking at each other. Just be careful okay your my sister and I love you and knowing Damon he will kill you just to win" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and nodded

"I know. I know what I am doing. No need to worry over me I can handle it. I know that your the older sister but maybe you should be worried over a certain hybrid" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her and sighed

"You are not helping things you know that" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and smirked

"Maybe that is the point" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes


Charlotte got to the school. She was meant to be picking up caroline. She walked inside as she was grabbed and pulled into an empty classroom as she lead out a scream

Klaus is packing up things around the house while Rebekah talks to him.

" Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me." Rebekah said

" Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." Klaus said

"Well, he's not and he's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong, Nic. Too strong."

" Where is he now?"

"He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now." Rebekah asked

"Fine. I'll collect Elena, we'll be on our way."

"Forget Elena! You don't need any more stupid hybrids!"

"What I need is protection from Esther's continued assaults against us." Klaus said

"We'll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nic."

" I'm not leaving without her."

"I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own. Oh and he has your precious Charlotte hostage" Rebekah said

"What did you say?" Klaus asked as he looked to her

Charlotte woke up. She was tied to a chair. Pencils were staked into her hands. She looked to see caroline who was tired to a chair and looked to see Alaric

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