Shipped off

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"Wake up!" My dad's angry voice pierces through the amazing dream that I was having.

"Mm." I open my eyes and look around.


I sit up quickly.

"Have you lost your gah damn mind?" Dad's face looks like a cherry. "Why is our couch sitting on the lawn? Why is it on fire?"

I trail my tongue up the inside of my cheek.

"I mean-"

"Shut the hell-- ugh! That's it buddy! Your glory days of embarrassing this family are over! I'm shipping your ass off!"

I nod.



"Whoa! This is a big ass neighborhood. You need a map to get around this bitch."

"Language!" Mom snaps.

"Fuck. Damn it. Sorry- shit." I run my fingers through my hair.

Mom looks at Dad and asks him if he's sure they're making the right decision.

I can assure them that they're not.

It doesn't matter how many times they ship me off to boarding school; they'll just kick me out again.

Still, I ain't never seen one this fancy.

We pull up to this mansion looking building. I fall backwards in the seat and cross my arms.

"Dad! This better not be some preppy ass rich boy school."

Dad snaps his head back at me and gives me a warning glare.

"Gah damn; I said I was sorry!" I fan my hands.

Dad shakes his head.

"Why the good Lord gave you a tongue is beyond me."

"No son. This is someone's house. Maybe if you get on your act right; you'll have something like this."

"Is that what happened to you dad? You didn't get on your act right?"

He turns around taking off his boot in the process and I yeet myself out of the car.

I land on the pavement and snap my head up when a high heel is placed in my direct line of vision.

I look up at the woman with dirty blonde hair.

She stares down at me. Next to her a man with dark chocolate skin walks up. His bald head glistens underneath the sun.

"Hello." They stare down at me.

Not one smile.

"Sup." I rest my elbow on the pavement and place my fist under my chin.

"Mm. He's going to be a challenge." The woman speaks.

"My name is Charlotte Benson and this is my husband Marcus Benson."

There is no tone to the woman's voice.

It all sounds cocky and judgmental.

Fuck, is that a tone?

I think about this.

"Son, please stand up." Dad sighs getting out of the car.

Mom walks up beside him.

"This is my friend from way back." Mom explains..

Yeah- mom came from class and dad came from trash and I inherited the trashy side.

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