Chapter 10- New Recruit

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3rd POV (Inside the Autobot Base)

Raf removed an image of Bumblebee from a website into a digital folder on his laptop. He replaced it with with a tap dancing monkey. Jack and Lydia are sitting next to him.

"A tap dancing monkey strikes again." said Jack.

He and Raf high-five each other.

"Yay." Lydia cheered unenthusiastically.

She chews on bubblegum and blows out a bubble as it pops.

"Bumblebee's sightings on the world wide web is no laughing matter." Rachet pointed out.

Bulkhead groaned as he struggles to stretch his legs. Miko is doing it with him.

"Seven, eight, nine..." Miko counted.

Bulkhead stops the exercise.

"Why can't I just drive from now on?" Bulkhead asked.

"Because your legs will atrophy if you choose not to use them." Rachet points out.

Bulkhead groaned in disappointment. He and Miko continued to exercise his legs, much his his dismay.

"One, two, three..." Miko counted. Lydia noticed something on Raf's laptop.

"Hey, what's that?" Lydia asked. Raf zooms the image and it shows a flaming Cybertronian escape pod.

"A Cybertronian escape pod?" Raf says in surprise.

"Here in Earth's atmosphere?" Rachet asked.

Raf downloaded the image on the green screen.

"Autobot or Decepticon?" Arcee asked.

"Impossible to tell, given the image resolution." Rachet replied.

"In any event, this merits investigation." Optimus stated.

"Could be a trap, and we're down one bot." Arcee points out.

"Should we reach out to Wheeljack?" Periwinkle asked.

"I can hear you!" Bulkhead says in offense.

"I don't care if Bulkhead isn't combat-ready. After that revenge stunt he pulled with Miko, Wheeljack can stay rogue." Rachet stated.

"An Autobot may be in distress. Ratchet, bring your medical kit." Optimus ordered.

Later, they drive out of the Ground Bridge into the forest. They transformed back into their robot forms and aimed their ion blasters while walking cautiously. They seeing the crashes pod with a stream of energon coming out of it. Arcee wiped dust of of the pod, revealing a Decepticon insignia.

"It is of Decepticon origin." Optimus noted.

"And the 'Con inside blew his way out." Arcee noticed.

Suddenly, Vehicons start shooting at them. The Autobot shoot them back. They hide behind dirt as Insecticons flew by.

"All those 'Cons came out of one pod?" Arcee asked. Rachet turns his servo into an arm blade.

"The humans refer to the phenomenon as a clown car." said Rachet.

Periwinkle looks at him in confusion. An Insecticon transforms into its robot form and swipes at Optimus, but is missed. The Autobot leader shoots the Insecticon away. Optimus shoots at more Insections.

An Insecticon slams Rachet against a boulder and prepares to kill the orange Medic. Arcee punches it, but it grabs her. Periwinkle slashes its side, causing the squeal in pain. Arcee flips out of the Insecticon's grip.

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