𝙤𝙣𝙚: 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚 (sorta)

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"Hey, Skipp! Come look at this!" Vinnie yelled, peering around the corner of the alleyway. Skipp scrambled over, leaving Stone sitting against the wall.

Vinnie pointed to a man that was walking back and forth in front of descript storefront, that looked like it hadn't been touched in years despite this being prime Lootbag territory. 

The man had well-cared for brown hair and a handlebar mustache, a chiseled face, and a brown suit with pink lining that looked more expensive than their lives were worth. He also had a tophat of the same brown color, with a sash on it of the pink that lined his suit.

"He does look weird, Vinnie." Skipp replied, still staring at him.

"Hell yeah he does! Why don't we try to pickpocket him, since he's so distracted and all." Vinnie replied, looking back at Stone with the smile that meant she was about to do some crazy shit.

Stone had just begun saying "I don't really think that's a good-" when Skipp interrupted him, saying, "Oh! I'll do it!" and ran off. 

Stone got up from his "seat" on the ground and went to stand beside Vinnie, just to see how this went.


Skipp snuck across the street, ignoring the Lootbags who screamed when he bumped into them. He hid in one of the bushes next to the storefront the man was pacing in front of, before looking back and giving Stone and Vinnie a thumbs up. Vinnie responded with an enthusiastic both-hands thumbs up, while Stone just rolled his eyes.

While the man was facing away, Skipp tiptoed up and reached for the man's wallet,which helpfully happened to be in his back pocket.

The moment his index finger touched the wallet, the man elbowed him in the ribs and pushed him down, then in one fluid motion took an antique pistol out of his suit pocket and shot at Skipp, missing him by barely an inch.

Now facing Skipp, the man tilted his head slightly, and stuck out his lip, then said while glancing at the pistol, "Oh, did I miss? What a shame!" He looked back at Skipp, pout gone. "Next time one of you Scraps" he hissed, a note of revulsion entering his voice when he said "Scraps," "touches me, I daresay my pistol with be a slight more accurate next time. Do you understand me?"

Skipp nodded shakily, not trusting himself to say a word. The man seemed to consider something, before shrugging and adjusting the gun - which had been in Skipp's face all this while - to be pointing directly at Skipp's nose.

 The stench of the city invaded Skipp's nostrils, and he felt himself think I really don't want this to be the last thing I smell before I die. Laughter almost bubbled up, before the reality of his situation set in and horror dawned once more.

Just before the man could pull the trigger, though, he was hit upside the head by none other than Stone, wielding the bottle he had just finished. Stone whacked the bottle against the ground, causing the bottom half to shatter off, making it a ring of sharp spikes with a handle.

The man was still clutching his head as Stone stared him down. At the noise of sound coming from the storefront, he cocked his head before rising fluidly. "I do fear I must be going," he remarked, dusting off his suit, "but I'm sure we will meet again. Until then, don't take care and please flirt with death. I'd hate to have to do this again."

He tucked his pistol back into his suit pocket and marched inside, and Stone seemed to just notice the shivering Skipp behind him. Even though Stone didn't like touch most days, he dropped the bottle, picked up Skipp, and didn't say a word while Skipp wrapped his arms around Stone's neck, still shaking.

"I've got you, Skipp." he said softly, even as the world around the swirled loud and chaotic.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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