Chapter 6. The Descent

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33,200 C. Aeris 30

As morning arrived, a chill crept through my new attire—a jacket, maroon tunic, and fox-pelt pants provided by the guards, along with magic glasses that adjusted to my sight. There I was, shivering slightly, standing on the dew-sprinkled grass of the council square, where the first timid rays of sunlight began to break over the city's ancient skyline.

Surrounding me was a crew of experts, who looked like they'd rather be in their warm beds, rather than entertaining the whims of what they probably considered a delusional novelist. They exchanged wary glances, eyeing the pile of exploration tools at our feet. "So, early morning field trips with a side of potentially rewriting history, huh?" I muttered under my breath, trying to cut through the morning's tension with a bit of levity.

I glanced around at the assembled team: a couple of stern-faced historians clutching their notepads like shields, a bright yellow demon-folk Quartz Guard whose gray eyes were more on the surrounding buildings than on any of us, and Thilo, who seemed the only person invigorated by the crisp morning air. Thilo's tail flicked with barely contained excitement, a stark contrast to the guarded skepticism of the others.

"Alright, everyone," I began, my voice steadier than I felt, "today we're not just digging through old archives or dusty tombs. We're here to uncover a part of Greca's history that has remained hidden—literally right beneath our feet." I gestured towards the ground, where the secrets to a pivotal historical event lay forgotten.

The guard, Alexi, finally shifted their gaze toward me. "We're prepared to go as deep as needed," they stated, their voice even, betraying no emotion. "But remember, our primary duty is to ensure the safety of this team. Any sign of instability in the structures below, and we pull out immediately." Their glance briefly swept over the tools, showing a seasoned concern for the team's welfare.

Thilo nodded enthusiastically at my side. "Jane has provided maps and notes that align remarkably well with historical records, some details of which have only been corroborated by recent findings," he chimed in, trying to bridge the gap between my outsider enthusiasm and the crew's skepticism.

"Maps drawn from a supposed creator's memory, fantastic...," one historian muttered skeptically, drawing a sharp glance from Thilo.

"Yes, well, seeing will be believing," I quipped back, feeling the weight of their doubt. It was one thing to dream up a world and its history; it was entirely another to convince real people that their history was my creation. The absurdity of my situation wasn't lost on me, but the day's potential discoveries fueled a cautious optimism. Today, I could either solidify my role in this world or become a footnote in its vast, complex history.

As we navigated through Cadon's cobblestone streets, the early morning air was crisp, carrying the scent of damp earth mixed with the distant aroma of morning fires from nearby homes. The uneven stones beneath our feet added a rhythmic clatter to our steps, punctuated by Thilo's voice as he narrated. "Our tale starts back in 503, during the First Great War," he began, his voice brimming with undiminished enthusiasm despite the early hour. "A time marked by devastating conflict, where the land itself bore the scars of battle. The Guardians, or gods if you prefer, convened right here in Greca, prompted by Guardian Cavlos's urgent plea for peace." His tale painted a picture of a world teetering on the brink of despair, a stark contrast to the peaceful morning of chirping birds and crickets around us.

As Thilo narrated, I could almost see the ancient city come alive before my eyes. "The city held its breath," he said, his voice lowering as if mirroring the hush that fell over the streets. "Crowds filled the roads, yet a haunting silence pervaded. Suddenly, a terrible rumbling erupted from beneath, sending shockwaves through the city." He paused dramatically, allowing the image of chaos to settle among the team.

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