Chapter 8. Stale Books, Even Staler Scholars

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As late morning unfolded, Thilo, I, and the rest of our weary yet anxious team made our return to the council chambers. The quiet intensity of the dawn had given way to the clearer light of day, casting sharp shadows in the council's hall and mirroring the sharp anxieties in our minds.

Upon reaching the council hall, the chamber was already filled with an air of expectantance. Members of the council, arrayed in their formal attires, looked upon us with a mix of curiosity and concern as we prepared to present our findings. I took a deep breath, feeling the eyes of the room fixed on us, the weight of their gazes almost tangible.

With a palpable tension in the air, Thilo laid out the detailed maps and hand-drawn sketches of the Seacurian script we had uncovered. "Esteemed members," he began, his voice echoing slightly in the hallowed chamber, "our exploration has unearthed aspects that corroborate Jane's historical knowledge and claims, as well as has introduced deeply concerning news."

I stepped up next, presenting the meticulous notes we had taken of the script. "We found these markings in the chambers said to be the guardians' clandestine meeting place from the First Great War. This script is definitively Seacurian." Murmurs filled the room, the significance of our findings sending ripples of concern among the council.

One of the senior councilors raised a hand for silence, his brow furrowed in a mix of intrigue and apprehension. "Are you suggesting that there has been recent activity by the Demon Realm in our nation?" he questioned, skepticism lacing his tone.

"Not recent activity," I clarified, "but the presence of these scripts indicates that Seacurians accessed these tunnels despite the magical barriers protecting Greca. This implies not just past involvement, but a potential ongoing threat, given the complexity and power of the magic involved."

Discussion erupted, a cacophony of voices filling the chamber as council members debated the implications. Some advocated for immediate investigative actions, fearing the potential threats lurking beneath their city, while others cautioned against hasty conclusions, skeptical of how these runes could relate to current security concerns.

The chamber's atmosphere thickened with heated discussions until the Magistrate, with a commanding presence, stood to restore order. "Enough," she declared, her voice resonating with authority. "We must approach this matter with both caution and diligence. Let's focus on practical measures."

She directed her gaze at me and Thilo. "Given the rarity and potential potency of these scripts, we must enhance our security measures around Cadon, particularly concerning the ancient tunnels. This isn't just about historical significance—it's a matter of national security."

A murmur of agreement swept through the room as the Magistrate continued, outlining a plan. "We will assign a team, including our best scholars and magic theorists, to work closely with Mr. Jane and Mr. Thilo. You are to help decipher these scripts and assess their implications comprehensively."

I nodded, acknowledging the heavy responsibility now placed upon my shoulders. "I appreciate the council's trust. I'll assist in any way I can," I responded, feeling the gravity of the situation. Inside, a flutter of anxiety stirred—I literally have no idea how magic actually works. In our D&D games, I never defined an actual script... The fear of being deemed useless or even a spy was palpable. If I couldn't prove my worth, my fate could be worse than just being dismissed as a madman.

"Excellent," the Magistrate said, her tone firm but encouraging. She gestured to a group of individuals who had been quietly observing from the side. "This team will include some of our most esteemed magic theorists. They will work with you to unlock the secrets held by these ancient scripts."

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