Chapter 1

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My name is Adaline Bowne, a lot has happened in the last 48 hours.

 It all started in bed, i was on my phone and i was waiting for my mom to wake up. Thing is she never did. Curiosity got the best of me and I went looking for her, I checked the kitchen, her room, both bathrooms, but no sign of her. Weird. Not thinking much of it as she could've gone to the neighbors I left it alone. I make my self the laziest breakfast I know how to make, a bowl of cereal. I turn on the TV but it was disconnected , Not out of the blue as our wifi sucks in our area of Missouri. Soon i get bored of the static and continue my search for my mother. I go next door and knock, no one answers. I knock again, no answer. I try the door and for some reason my overly obnoxious neighbors left it unlocked. Weird.

I looked throughout the house and no signs of life anywhere. Literally it looked like its been abandoned for years, when I had just seen them yesterday. Processing what I discovered I turn out of the house, now even more confused then when I entered. "Am I dreaming" I wonder out loud. Shrugging it off i go find my moms purse to grab her wallet. If shes not here to see me take out money then how would she notice? I collected what i wanted and headed to main street.

On the walk there i notice how still everything is, no cars going about, no people, but i can still hear the birds. Maybe there was an event that I forgot about. I get to a store and head in, looking around I don't see anyone but that's kind of normal for the stores here. I go about shopping for things I don't really need then head to the register. I ring the bell a few times but no one comes. Confusion sets in and I do what no customer should ever do and go look in the back for someone. No one. What the hell. What is going on.

I walk out with the things I grabbed and look around, eerily I walk home looking everywhere for signs of life. I start thinking of the worst, but in all I just wanted answers. Thinking on autopilot I check the mail, bills, bills, aunt Lucy, uncle Sam, Narrator? Huh? Skipping past the rest i immediately  open the last one.

Dear whom this concerns,

I wish I could have done more to prolong this, I could have done more, but i couldn't. The steps to survival are easy. 1 don't go out after 2 am they like to lurk in the dark. 2 make your friends cautiously you don't know what will kill you. 3 survive.

I give you this information in hopes that you will make it like the others before you. Some that came before even me had to fight even harder than we have to, as their trial and error has shown us what to do and not do.

I know you have not wished upon this but we've decided you where the perfect organism for this experiment to continue. I wish you no harm, and the best of luck.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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