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Percy's POV

I was never scared of ghosts.

I just never saw them as scary. Why would anyone be scared of a ghost? Actually, I found them interesting. Having a friend that talked to you and could float up to grab things for you. Like the snacks mom would hide on the top shelf so I couldn't reach them. That seemed super cool to me as a kid. I even loved the horror aspect of them.

I always loved seeing ghosts on TV. Some of my favorite horror movies were about ghosts. The Haunting from 1963. Thirteen ghosts. Beetlejuice, The Blair Witch Project and Candyman. Dear god, CANDYMAN! Only the first too though. Three was...ugh.

Anyway, when a ghost hunting convention came to Manhattan, I begged my mom to go. It took three weeks, constantly cleaning up everything in the house, including after Gabe, but finally she agreed. At the time, I didn't exactly know where she got the money for the tickets. Now of course, I know they came out of her personal funds. A month worth lf clothes, hair products and hygiene products were sacrificed for me.

Now that I know, it makes me angry. However, to some level it was worth it. Let me explain.

While there, we got to see a bunch of cool gadgets and stuff the helped hunters 'catch ghosts'. My favorite though and the one that changed my life forever, was the ghost portal. A small, octagonal machine that sat on a larger rectangular machine. Inside the octagon shape, swirled a strange green energy. I spotted it when my mom had gone to the bathroom. She had me stand next to the door and practically begged me not to move. Considering the adhd and my bad habit of doing stupid things. Her concern made sense. However, the second I saw the hypnotic swirls, her words flew out of my head.

Before I realized it, I was standing directly in front of the machine.

"Ah, hello young boy. Interested in the portal are you?" I just nodded. Stranger danger was a foreign concept at the moment. "My partner Jack Fenton and I created it. It's a small prototype of a much larger project he and I are working on." He explained. "My name is Vlad Masters, by the way. What's you're name?" I finally tore my eyes away from the energy circles and looked at the man. He had a long head with a slightly protruded forehead. His eyes were a deep blue color and he has black hair with gray streak directly in the middle.

He was giving me a kind and gentle smile.

"Percy Jackson." I answered. "Well, its nice to meet you Percy." He said, his smile widening a bit. "You too." I said, remembering my mom's manner lessons. "Where are your parents? I'd doubt they want you wandering around by yourself." I looked over and pointed at the bathroom. "My mom went to the bathroom." He nodded. "And your father?" I remember tilting my head like a confused puppy. "You're dad? Is he here?" At this I shook my head. "I don't have one." He seemed to grow awkward at that revelation. "Oh, ahem. Well-" He was cut off when two people stormed by, pushing him against the table.

It was a couple and the woman was clearly upset.

"Marylin, just wait!" The guy exclaimed, grabbing her elbow and yanking her back. The same way Gabe would grab my mom's arm when she tried to walk away from one of their 'talks'. Vlad tried to get them to stop fighting near the portal, but they wouldn't listen. Just as he was waving down security, the guy said something. I don't fully remember, but it was along the lines 'I wouldn't be with her if you paid me more attention'. Like I said, I don't really remember. The girl, clearly pissed at that point, took the top off of her cup of ectogoop, which was just a sprite slushie that had green food coloring, and threw it right in his face. The liquid splashed everywhere, including on the machine.

She then slapped him and stormed off. He attempted to go after her again, but security had arrived to stop him. He shoved one of them and they bumped the table just as the portal malfunctioned from the pop getting in it. After that, was screaming. Specifically, my screaming.

I thought I knew pain when I feel down the stairs of my apartment building and got all scraped up. I thought I knew pain when I ran into a wrecked car on my bike and sliced my hand up. I thought I knew pain when a kid pushed me of the jungle gym and broke my arm.

None of it, could ever compare to the agony I felt in that moment. It was burning, freezing and stinging me all at the same time. I don't even know how I felt. Apparently, they had to sedate me, because while I should've passed out from the pain, my body was constantly shocking me and keeping me awake. Like how you'd throw cold water on someone to wake them up.

Finally though, they managed to get me under. I woke up a full year later in the hospital. Apparently, it would've taken longer for me to wak up and even longer for me to leave if some doctor named Michael Morbius hadn't stepped in. I went home a week later, after a bunch of tests.

It was good to he back home, but miserable to be around Gabe again. But that was fine since I could see my mom again. She took off work for a few days take sure I was OK.

It was during those few days that my life changed and everything we went through had been worth it. I woke up one morning, climbed out of he'd and immediately fell through my floor. When the shock of what just happened wore off, I could only mutter the word...


My mom didn't agree.

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