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It was a good day for both Umeed and Farjaad, the morning after their marriage. Last night was an event itself, with police suddenly raiding their wedding venue to Farjaad getting arrested and Umeed going behind to bail him out. Followed by their unique rukhsati from the police station and afterwards both of them sneaking out from their bedroom's window to Farjaad gifting Umeed her personal dream café spending stealthy moments in the car to coming back and getting caught by the family. Sleeping together in each other's embrace they both were so happy to finally make it here.

But the morning when Umeed woke up and saw Farjaad's side of bed empty and cold indicating that he left way earlier she got upset, went to the bathroom to check but she was right. Indeed he went to his office on their first morning after their marriage and even without informing her. She wanted him to wish her good morning with gentle caresses of his fingers in her hair and some stolen kisses and glances but all her expectations went fleeing in the thin air. She went downstairs to confirm whether he is still there or truly left but to her sadness he really went to attend a meeting as Niggo said.

Haya and others came to bring breakfast, a tradition for bride's family to do so and some of her sadness went away but her heart was still heavy. So to overcome that after complaining about him to Mimi and Haya she went to Pasha's house and reaching there when Farjaad called she tried to play angry and gave Haya the phone to pick up. After Haya encountered an embarrassing moment of him blabbering before confirming who is on the other side of the phone she gave the phone to Umeed who pouted and asked him to transfer the Walima banquet to a yacht as she wanted it now.

Their Walima went so dreamy except the little drama Niggo created and because of that Umeed was taken back to Pasha House instead of going back to her house. After Farjaad contemplating and complaining that Lekin Meri Umeed ko to woh le gae hein na. And him going back in the middle of the night to get his Umeed back home and they saw each other like they haven't encountered one another for years. All their yearning and desperation visible in both of their eyes.

Going back towards their home Umeed asked him to drop Anthony off at the side and ask him to go home meanwhile both of them will go on a chae date. Who was Farjaad to disagree with her. He dropped Anthony at the roadside with some money and both of them went towards Umeed's desired café but on the way something unexpected happened.

Farjaad was driving slowly and steadily when another car halted infront of theirs and both of them jerked forward. Farjaad's hand instinctly went to prevent Umeed's head from hitting the windscreen at that moment he felt so glad that he made her wear that seatbelt himself. But he didn't got time to ask her whether she's alright or not because the next moment they saw two masked men coming out from the car ahead, both of them were armed. Umeed got terrified, she has experienced something similar to this when the robbers put the gun directly on her forehead asking her to give whatever she has to them. She felt more terrible now, her eyes were wide in horror and her breathing was heavy. She saw the men approaching Farjaad's side of the car and she held onto his bicep for dear life. They asked him to open the door and get off the car. Farjaad was trying to remain calm as the only thing he was worried about was his wife. She is what matters the most to him, the car, the mobiles, the cash or maybe himself doesn't matter as much as his Umeed.

Keeping his hand in the air and warning those men not to even put a finger on his wife he got off and hurriedly ran towards the passenger door to get Umeed out. When he reached and opened the door Umeed jumped off immediately and clung onto him. Tears were streaming down her face and she was hyperventilating, while Farjaad grabbed her face in both of his hands their car was gone. Farjaad checked Umeed, her lips were quivering she was shaking and sobbing holding onto him for life. He asked

"Um-Umeed meri jaan. You alright? Tum theek ho?"

She looked at him and just after that moment she fainted in his arms and before she could fall Farjaad held her tightly and that's when panic appeared on his face.

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