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🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm so happy to be sharing this story with you guys. I can't express thoroughly how much it means to me for you checking my story out. I hope you stay long enough to enjoy it.

 I hope you stay long enough to enjoy it

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Map of Albeny 👆

Albeny: The Seven Houses
1. Alban— The Royal House
2. Dropp— The General's House
3. Zia
4. Lemohn
5. Salem
6. Dian
7. Xri

Albeny: The Three Independent Territories
1. The Albenian Palace
2. The Albenian Bureau
3. Albenarum

Albeny: The Nine Cryfixes
1. The Winter Solstice
2. The Sun's Chronicle
3. Salem's Flower
4. The Twin Mountains
5. Zia's Spring
6. Lemohn's Mirror
7. Dian's Teardrops
8. Xri's blade
9. (Unknown)

Albeny: The Fortunist
Identity? (Unknown)

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