get to know me

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"The contract has been finalised. We'll send an official letter and inform the bank. They should be in touch with you by this week" the lawyer spoke through the phone as Areum bit her bottom lip, taking the words he had stated into her head.

"Okay...thank you for calling" Areum sighed, ending the call quickly and looking over her shoulder to see Jaemin approaching them with two glasses of wine in his hands.

"Secret phone calls? Are you cheating on me already?" Jaemin joked, smiling over at her and she cracked a small smile, shaking her head at him before joining him in the living floor.

"Now, who would cheat on a guy like you?" She asked, resting her back against the sofa with a sigh, melting into his side as he slung an arm over her shoulders

"Is something wrong?" he asked, looking at her slightly saddened expression and she hummed, quickly shaking her head

"Why do we always sit on the floor?" She asked a chuckle and he shrugged, reaching his glass of wine to his lips before taking a small sip

"You're right...should we move it to the bed?" He teased and she snickered, throwing her head back to rest it against his arm

"Pick the movie" Jaemin said, passing her the remote and she hummed, flicking through the several netflix options. The quietness from Jaemin beside her didn't seem too concerning until she felt his his hands lightly pressed into her skin a little harder than before, signalling that he was deep in thought

"What's wrong?" She asked, turning her head to him as the trailer for some random drama played in the background at a lower volume. He shook his head slowly, too deep in thought to glance over at her and she furrowed her brows straightening herself up.

"Tell me" she said, turning to her side and leaning her elbow on the couch so she could get a better look at his side profile. He cleared his throat and placed his glass of wine down against the coffee table, his hand loosening its grip against her skin momentarily.

"Who's Mark?" He asked, straightening his back against the couch again as he waited to hear an answer that may just ruin his mood for the week.

"W-what?" She asked out of surprise, her body tensing up at the real name of her best friend, giving the completely wrong message to the guy beside her.

"Who's Mark? You said he was waiting for you last night he a friend? Boyfriend?" Jaemin asked, slowly turning his head towards her as he looked at her features for any signs of guilt

"Mark is's his uh english name" she clarified, shaking her head at the statement with a light chuckle, hoping to not get caught in her web of lies

"Yeah?" Jaemin asked, only half convinced and she chuckled at the fact that she had to reassure him of this compared to everything else

"Yeah" she nodded and he bit his lower lip, turning back around to reach for his wine glass

"So what was so important last night that you just had to leave like that?" Jaemin asked, feeling the bruise of his ego inside him

"Did I do something or—"

"No...not at all. Jaemin last night was amazing I just...Every Sunday I have to go to church with Mark and my grandmother" she admitted and he parted his lips as his brows raised in surprise

"I didn't think you were religious" he said with a light smirk that she could hear from a mile away

"I'm not...I just need to spend time with her once a week" she said with a sigh and Jaemin furrowed his brows

"She has Alzheimer's" she said, lowering her voice and his eyes softened with her

"H-how advanced?" He asked, his hand resting against her skin to comfort her again in case she needed it

"She's in the late stage so...we're not that close anymore so I don't need the pity party you know?" She said quickly and he frowned

"Must be hard to see her" he mumbled, planting a kiss onto the top of her head as he embraced her into a hug

"Y-yeah I mean...yeah it is" she said, relaxing into the hug and taking in his musky cologne while her arms wrapped around his torso.

"I didn't know" he whispered and she chuckled lightly

"Well I didn't tell you until now" she said into his neck and he hummed, feeling her breath against his skin

"So tell me...about yourself" he said with a genuine smile, pulling away from the hug to look at her. She but her lower lip as she broke their eye contact to look at anything but him.

She could just tell him everything now. Confess to all her wrongdoings and apologise. She could face the consequences of her actions and let him know who she truly was. She could stop leading him on when he had no intention of seeing him again in a week. She could break his heart now. Yet that still seemed to be much more difficult than to tell him the truth.

"There's not much to know about me" she said ultimately and he smiled

"Sure there is...what's your favourite colour?" He asked and she let out an airy laugh

"Green...but not like a yucky super bright one...more like a forest green" she said and he nodded slowly

"What's yours?" She asked with a smile and he smirked, a light blush shading his cheeks

"Pink" he said and she giggled as she remembered the colour of the lingerie she had chosen to wear last night

"Then I guess I know you quite well" she teased and he chuckled, pulling her face closer towards his to catch her into a slow kiss

"Maybe one day I'll know you just as well" he said inbetween their kisses and her stomach churned at the statement, guilt eating her up again at how far from the truth she had led him to believe

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