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Jazmyn's POV

I was sitting at my desk, doing some catch up homework when my phone buzzed. I roll my eyes, without looking at the message I flip my phone over, trying to concentrate.

Buzz - I ignore it

Buzz - I continue writing my essay

Buzz - I scream internally realising this person isn't going away.

I read the message quickly before a call notification popped up on my phone.

Incoming call from 'Chicken'
Accept                Decline

I press accept, not bothering with formalities. "What do you want Chook?"

"Nice to talk to you too Jaz, have you seen Cash?"

"No, goodbye." I hear his voice raise as I hang up the phone, waiting for the inevitable call back.


'There he is' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes and answering my phone again.

"Don't fucking hang up on me again, yeh?" It wasn't really a question, it was a demand. I wasn't afraid of Chook, I had known him since I was probably 9 and Cash was 10.

We had been living in a group home after CPS found out about mum and our living situation. Chook made sure that we made it out of that home, we lived with him for about a year before we found nan. I  would have been 12, Cash was 13 and Chook 14-15 , his parents were never home or too doped up to care about us so they never knew we had been staying there anyway.

Cash never wanted me involved with his mates, but it was impossible to not be caught in the 'crosshairs', I had spent my childhood with Chook and some of his friends and whether or not Cash wanted me not to be, I was involved.

That being said, I had never done drugs or drunk alcohol, addiction runs in my family and everyone in my life told me to not get involved. There was always someone to stop me, whether it was Cash as we were now in the same grade and he would attend every party we went to, or if it was Chook as he was the local dealer, almost all substances in the area were sold through him. Both of the boys always have their eshays keep tabs on me at parties so it wasn't like I could just lose them.

It gets annoying not being able to experience what everyone else did, especially when they were the ones manufacturing the drugs, the double standards were fucking insane.

I zone back into the conversation I was having over the phone, "What do you want Chook? I don't know where Cash is and now I'm trying to study."

"Well he's not picking up the phone and we're trying to organise a-" He cuts himself off with an irritated sigh "Look never mind, just tell him that it's urgent and I need to talk to him ASAP!"

I stand up from my desk, walking to Cash's door "Yeah, whatever, I'll see if nan knows where he went or whatever"

"Thanks, bye" Asshole

I knock on my brothers door "Cash, Chook is lookin' for you, wants you to call him and meet him at his house or somethin"

He doesn't respond, I can hear the faint sounds of the tv on and knock again. "Cash? I'm coming in, stop ignoring me!" I wait a couple more seconds before opening the door, finding my brother laying on his bed, looking up at the roof, giggling away. The unmistakable smell of weed and smoke filling his room.

Echos of Rebellion - Chook x OC; Heartbreak HighWhere stories live. Discover now