(Venice. Antonio, Bassanio, and Shylock are seated at a table, finalizing the agreement)
Shylock: (smiling) "Very well, Antonio, I shall lend your friend Bassanio three thousand ducats, but I must have my bond. If the loan is not repaid by a certain date, I shall exact a pound of flesh from your body."
Antonio: (hesitantly) "A pound of flesh, Shylock? Is that not a steep price to pay for a loan? Yet, for Bassanio's sake, I agree to your terms."
Bassanio: (excitedly) "Ah, Antonio, dear friend, you are too kind! I shall repay the loan, or else I shall forfeit my own happiness!"
Shylock: (coldly) "I care not for your happiness, Bassanio. I care only for my bond. Sign, Antonio, sign!"
(Antonio signs the agreement, looking uneasy)
Antonio: (to himself) "Oh, Bassanio, my dear friend, I pray that this agreement shall not be my undoing... but for you, I can..."
(A room in Antonio's house. Antonio, Bassanio, Salerio, and Solanio are present.)
Bassanio: (excitedly) Ah, friends, I must away to Belmont! I have a chance to win the heart of the fair Portia!
Salerio: (teasingly) And a chance to win her wealth, as well!
Bassanio: (laughing) Ah, yes, that too! Farewell, dear friends!
(Bassanio exits, leaving Antonio, Salerio, and Solanio behind.)
Antonio: (to himself) Ah, Bassanio, my love, I must follow you to Belmont, to ensure your success and happiness.
Salerio: (noticing Antonio's expression) Antonio, what's amiss? You look troubled.
Antonio: (forced cheer) Oh, no, my friends, I am merely concerned for Bassanio's well-being. I shall follow him to Belmont, to offer my support and guidance.
Solanio: (nodding) Ah, a wise decision, Antonio. Your presence will surely aid Bassanio in his quest.
(Antonio exits, leaving Salerio and Solanio behind, his heart full of love and concern for Bassanio.)

Merchant of Venice: Take 1, Antonio's Perspective
Fanfiction🌸 Reimagining of "The Merchant of Venice" from a different angle 🌸 Antonio and Bassanio's bond transcends friendship 🌸Their relationship is characterized by deep, unspoken love 🌸Antonio's feelings for Bassanio run deeper than friendship 🌸Bassan...