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Sekido jolted awake as he frantically looked around, he spotted his brother eating canned food.

an irk mark appeared in his head
"Wtf Karaku, keept it down will ya'?"

His brother only chuckled and nodded

none of them were in the best mood
considering with everything that's happening in the present

The four of them have been staying in a random person's apartment for a few days

they would always change locations everytime One of them gets caught by them

they didnt understand why any of this is happening nor how this even happened in the first place

At first urogi was convinced this was a punishment from God but karaku just waved him off.
aizetsu was having a hard time finding another place they could stay at.

despite being the most short tempered in the group,sekido still remained as the parent of the group


They still couldn't find their younger brother nor Y/N.
Not staying in one place helped them meet other survivors these past few weeks

although none of them ever seem to join them finish this madness.

"Aizetsu, we'll be going out to get some supplies. Urogi, karaku, if u both do anything to fuck shit up here, you both wont be getting any fucking food"

sekido threatened as he turned to look at aizetsu, who only replied with a nod.

"Alright seki"
Urogi replied, a grin plastered on his Face as he faked saluted

Karaku only sat down with a thumbs up as he continued eating his canned food

Sekido only huffed in reply as he grabbed his backpack and blindfold
while aizetsu stood up and did the same

Urogi began tying the blindfold in aizetsu eyes,sekido doing the same to himself

"There! Ur all good to go Ai"
Urogi let out a airy chuckle as he patted aizetsu's back a little to harshly causing aisetsu to wince

Was only aizetsu's reply as he walked over to sekido who was waiting for him near the door

As the both of them walked out the house in silence, holding onto each other for support. Their eyes covered in black cloth

They both then reached a nearby department store.

After making sure the coast was clear, sekido took off his blindfold slowly. His eyes opening slightly as he let out a relieved exhale

"Alright..u can take off ur blindfold"

Aizetsu began to pull off his blindfold, as he took in the surroundings of the place they're in

"This..place is completely..destroyed and old..lets just hope the food here isnt expired"
aizetsu said, his usual saddened expression remained the same

After a while both aizetsu and sekido had already finished rumaging around, they both managed to get a decent amount of supplies and food. They're both ready to head out

"Lets go"
Sekido said as he tied aizetsu's blindfold in his eyes, before doing the same to his. He took aizetsu's hand as they both walked out

They were abit far from the place they're currently staying it but they had no choice, they're doing everything they can to keep themselves alive

as they were both walking in complete silence, Aizetsu suddenly stopped in his tracks and gripped sekido's arm

Sekido turned to face aizetsu in confusion, pulling aizetsu slightly trying to see if he would budge

Aizetsu only kept a firm grip on his arm and stayed still.but before sekido could say anything a strong gush of wind was heard causing sekido to freeze

Sekido's breathing got heavier as he forcefully pulled aizetsu and started running

The strong gush of wind followed both of them only growing stronger and stronger by the second

Sekido panted as he and aizetsu kept running.


aizetsu tripped, the feeling of being pulled caused his balance to be thrown off

sekido's grip on aizetsu was torn away making him look back as he tried to rush back to his blue eyed brother

The wind got stronger and stronger causing a small fog infront of sekido

Sekido began to panic as he couldnt see due to the fog and the Blindflold

as time passed by the wind suddenly subsided, sekido stood there waiting till Its really gone

Sekido rushed to where aizetsu tripped opening his blindfold slightly only to find his brother Gone

"What..the Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Where is he?!"
His hands began to rumage through the place where his brother had fallen

sekido called out in hopes he would answer,


Karaku slouched in the couch as urogu laid on the floor bored

"Why are they taking so longg?"
The green eyed brother whine as he threw his hands in the air

"Im..getting kinda worried now, you think they'll be ok?"
Urogi chimed in, Worry laced in his voice as he stared at the ceiling

"They'll be fine, they're both stronger than us anyways"
Karaku shrugged as he took a lolipop that was on the table and started to unwrap it

"Yeah..but i still cant help but worry, why does it feel like something bad happened?"
Before Karaku could reply to his brother's worries, the door slammed open causing both brothers to flinch and sit up

Karaku said as his brows furrowed, he stared at his red eyed brother who only stood there wide eye, his blindfold in his hands

urogi and karaku glanced at each other in worry, urogi stood up and walked over to sekido.placing a hand on his shoulder as he leaned to see if he was ok

Karaku noticed how aizetsu was nowhere to be found.
"Sekido, where's aizetsu?"

Sekido only remained still causing his brothers to be more worried by the second


karaku opened his mouth to speak but before a word could leave his mouth sekido spoke

"I...I couldnt find him, i Dont know where he is"
Both brothers froze at his statement
Urogi clenching his fists slightly


"I dont know what happened! I couldnt see what IT did to him!"
Sekido shouted slightly as his breathing got heavier, although his voice was firm and angry it held a sense of guilt

"Hey hey hey..calm down, we can think this through"
Karaku's voice softened as he walked over to his brothers

"Calm down? Sekido what the Fuck happened to aizetsu"
Urogi's grip on his brother tightened

"Hey urogi i get that you're worried. we all are, But u should calm down"
Karaku's tone turned firm as he placed his hands on urogi's taking it off of sekido's shoulder

Urogi harshly pulled his hand away and stormed off to a room

Karaku and Sekido only watched him walk off


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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