🔞12. Good touch, Bad touch

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*third person's POV*

Ishan Kishan, a teacher to kindergarten students, had been called to the principal's office today.
"Good morning Mr. Kishan"
"Good morning, Sir. Is there anything you need from me?"
"Ah, yes. Today we have another teacher joining us and it's his trial day. I want you to accompany him and show him around too and take him to the class with you too. He'll be teaching the nursery kids too and I believe you'll be the best man for this job"
"Of course, Sir. Looking forward to meeting him. What's his name again?"
"Shubman.. Hi, Ishan"

A deep voice, thick Punjabi accent joined their conversation. Ishan turned around to look at the tall man, wearing a shirt and black pants, with black shoes. The sleeves were a little curled up and his top button left open. A pair of shades hung from it.

Ishan's face instantly turned red because he realised he'd been staring.
"H-hi.. Shubman.. I'm Ishan Kishan"
"I'm Shubman Gill. Nice to meet you finally, Mr. Kishan"
"Y-you too"
"Thank you both. Ishan, you can continue showing Mr. Gill around. Thank you so much"

Ishan nodded and gulped. He was screaming excitedly and jumping from inside. Shubman was hot. Like fire hot. And Ishan was going to have a whole day with him. It could mean 2 things, either he's super lucky, or he's in trouble because fire burns.

"So, Mr. Kishan-"
"It's just Ishan, please"
Shubman nodded. "Ishan, what are we going to do first?"
"Let me show you the staff room once. We have about an hour with us before the kids arrive"
"Alright. Lead the way"

As they walked through the corridors, silence accompanied them.
"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"
"I'm 25"
"I'm 24" Shubman replied.
"How did you end up here? I mean, you could've gone for any other option, why a teacher?"
"What options?"
"Like, I dunno, modeling? acting? Anything? I mean, you're so handsome and I'm pretty sure you could've made a good career there"

Shubman chuckled lowly at what Ishan said.
"Thanks, Ishan, but teaching, especially little kids has been my favorite. It's always been my dream to be a teacher. Make a change in someone's life. Tutor them at such a crucial stage..."
"That's awesome, Shubman... That's so pretty"
"Thank you" he said and smiled. "..so you think I'm handsome, huh?"

Ishan's face turned beat red.
"I- no I- me- I- didn't-"
"What? Are you saying I'm not?"
"I- No!... I mean-"

Shubman laughed again, obviously teasing him.
"Relax.. I was just kidding"
"Hm.. Anyways, we're here"

"Mr. Kishan! Good morning"
"Morning, Mr. Roy"
"Have you thought about the proposal?"

Shubman looked between the both of them. He could see the uneasiness Ishan was feeling.
"I- not yet"
"I promise you'll have a good time with me.. and plus it's just a short ice cream date. They're never too bad to try"
"Hi" Shubman finally decided to butt into the conversation.
"Hi.. who might you be? Never seen you before"
"Yes. I'm new actually. Shubman Gill, Ishan's boyfriend. He must have told you guys about me"
"Boyfriend? I never knew you had one, Ishan"
"I- yeah... He's.. my boyfriend. Shubman"
"C'mon Ishu Darling, it's almost time for the class, right?"
"Y-yeah.. let's go..."

Shubman was satisfied with the look on Mr. Roy's face.
"Tha-thanks for saving me there"
"No problem.. I could tell you weren't interested in him. Why don't you just tell him that"
"Believe me. I've tried, but he just can't seem to get off"
"Well, he needs to learn that he doesn't deserve an angel like you"

Ishan blushed furiously. First 'Ishu Darling' and now Angel.
"Thanks, Shubman"

"Mr Kishan!"
"Oh.. hi Ms. Kapoor"
"And who might you be, handsome?"
"Me? Oh, I'm Shubman Gill"
"Nice to meet you.. are you new?"
"Yeah.. just joined today"
"That's awesome.. would you like a school tour? I'd be happy to take you on one"
"Perhaps another day, Ms. Kapoor. Unfortunately, Mr. Gill has to accompany me to my class. I hope you understand"
"Oh.. of course.. thank you, Mr. Gill.. bye Mr. Kishan"

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