The Prophet and The Legioness

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Author's note

This is not a romance novel. It is an idea I've had for a while. It's basically Andy and my alter ego on tour with the band, and there are a lot of references to interviews they've done so... yeah. N'joy and all that. Peace out.

Chapter 1: Let's Get Wild

“OI ANDY!!! Will you please hurry up in there, some of us need a piss!” Groaning I flip over in my bunk. God, Ash is the loudest fucking guy in the mornings. Either that or I'm not good with mornings.

“Ash keep it down, this Biersack needs her sleep god damn it!”

“Oh, cause you're such a mouse, bitch.”

“Whatever, Assley.” Yeah, I call him Assley. We're like brother and sister sometimes. It's a little freaky. At that moment my ringtone, In The End, blasted out. I checked the call ID. 

“Mikey, what up little bro? Long time no speak.”

“Hey Jaded, how's the touring with Andy going? I still can't believe he's your long lost twin, I mean that's some crazy shit right there.”

“Oh, Assley wakes me up every morning hollering at Andy to get out of the can, my cell needs charging every day and I have a knarly bass string mark across my cheek so...just another tour my good brother.”

Just then my giant brother, Andy, poked his bushy haired head throught the gap between my bunk curtains.

“Come on ladies wrap it up. We have Fuse coming for a tour sneak peek in half an hour and I know what you're like if you go on camera without your paint on J.”

“Gotta go M, Andy says hi.” The reply I got? The single, unbroken tone thats signals an ended call. Twat.

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