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I open my eyes. I can see light leaking in from the window through closed curtains. I look around my room, recognising each thing I have. It's quite easy because I only have a few things in my room. I get off my bed and stand up, opening the window. Then my alarm starts buzzing, which gives me the signal to eat. I hear a formal voice coming from the cameras in my room "Today you will eat lunch with Lynn." Yes! Its the time of week when I get to eat with Lynn. She is my best friend. I look through the window and shout to the neighbouring house.

"LYNN!" I shout. I have to shout loud because she always sleeps in.
"Coming..." mumbles lynn just loud enough for me to hear. I eat my breakfast whilst i'm waiting. I put a little bit too much cereal in the bowl, which set of my alarm again. A calm, robotic voice tells me to put some back. Lynn walks out of her front door and I reluctantly put some cereal back in the bowl. "Ugh!" Exclaims Lynn, "Sometimes I just hate the controllers! I WANT FOOD!" A camera zoomed in on Lynn. "Be careful what you say, Lynn" I say worriedly. After that conversation we walk silently to school.

Today is photo day, it's supposed to be in a week, but the photographers weren't available then. After everybody has had their photo taken, its Lynn's turn. She gets told to go up to the library. After 20 minutes I get worried because she hasn't come back down stairs yet. I speed up the stairs, almost tripping, and walk into the library. No one is there. My knees start to tremble. Suddenly, I see something shine in the corner of my eye.

I whip my head around and see a shiny steel button sticking out of one of the book shelves. As I walk across the room to see it closer up, I get more and more nervous. When I am right by it, I think about whether I should run out or press the button. My finger reaches towards the button. I press it. Suddenly a big square in the floor dissapears under me. I fall down into the dark, endless pit beneath me. My eyes widen in terror. I try to scream, but I don't let out a sound. Then, the concrete ground appears
just meters away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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