77~ Unfolding the truth

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Yana's POV

I gazed at both hospital rooms, then at the divorce papers in my hand, tears continuously streaming down my cheeks at his sudden harsh decision.

They moved Ardhansh into the room beside Ayaan's hospital room, but neither of them regained consciousness.

I asked Vaibhavi Di to look after Aehraan, and take care of him, now here we were, just four people.

Me, Yagya Sir, Vansh Bhai, and Mr. Rajdhan. Akhil and Saransh Sir had left due to some work.

Mr. Rajdhan extended a water glass towards me, but I shook my head. Nothing would pass my throat until I saw both of them safe before my eyes.

I pondered why my fate is written in this manner. Pain, sorrow, and nothing but ache. Couldn't I hope for a bit of peace and happiness for myself and my loved ones?

"Get some water, or you'll end up hospitalized due to dehydration," I heard his calm words, yet still shook my head.

I doubt why he was present when he had no direct involvement in the tragedies. He was merely a business associate of Ardhansh and should be focused solely on his profit.

"Drink, Mrs. Singhaniya. Don't worry. The ship will stop at one of the nearest islands in two days, and trust me, your husband is resilient. He will be fine," he assured, though I detected frustration and anger in his tone.

"Thank you for admitting my son and not taking offense to my husband's words. He was just concerned for our son, but I'm afraid water won't pass through my throat."

A silence enveloped us after my words, and within a few minutes, I heard him sigh. He didn't press me further, and we sat there in silence for another thirty minutes.

"Bhabhi, would you like some tea?" Vansh Bhai asked after five minutes, but I shook my head, my gaze fixed on the hospital room, praying to see him well and embrace him tightly.

"Mam, your son has regained consciousness," the nurse announced.

Wiping my tears, I rose from my seat, but my legs felt heavy, causing me to stumble. Mr. Rajdhan was quick to catch me in his arms.

I immediately withdrew, feeling uncomfortable, yet I couldn't ignore the indifferent looks Vansh and Yagya Sir passed my way.

Entering the room, I found my son staring at the door with swollen eyes. I suppressed my sobs and sat beside him, observing the syringe piercing his soft flesh. I couldn't bear to contemplate his pain.

"I thought you were a good boy and knew your responsibility," I murmured, planting a kiss on his tummy, the only space without any syringe.

"You scared Mumma. How could she have lived if anything had happened to her baby," I whispered, wiping my tears and attempting to conjure a fake smile.

Glancing at him, I realized he wasn't looking at me but at his uncles, and an unfamiliar fear crept into my veins.

"Baby, are you angry with Mumma?" I gently stroked his silky hair and planted a kiss on his cheek, but he attempted to pull away, accidentally causing himself pain.

Instinctively, I moved back in fear at the sight of the displeasure on his face, my heart skipping beats.

Horror seized my throat, and tears streamed from my eyes as I watched the needle being extracted from his wrist, causing it to bleed.

"Don't move, Baby, I won't touch you," I pleaded, lacking the courage to witness him in pain.

"Nurse!" Vansh Bhai called out, and she hurried over, readjusting his syringe. Meanwhile, I remained frozen, watching tears welling in his eyes.

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