‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ TEN ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅

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"One of th-those scary monsters attacked her from underground!!" One of the villagers trembled in fear of Sukuna.

"Dammit," He whispered under his breath, noticing the veins in your arms appear oddly colored. You were poisoned.

"Sukuna!" Sei cries out over the crowd and goes to your side, inspecting your poisoned arm. "She was poisoned?"

Sukuna grimly nodded as he searched through ways to quickly and painlessly help you. This wasn't just any poison that consisted of herbs or acids, this was a curse's poison which is an entirely different deal. How should he approach this?

This girl right before him, he'd never imagined that he'd come to care so much for you. It scares him, now having someone to worry about losing and could potentially be used against him in the future. But that didn't matter right now, right now he wanted to save you. Sei takes out a pearled necklace from her pouch and wraps it around your poisoned arm. She warms it with cursed energy and the pearls glow, but they somehow crack. Sei curses aloud.

"Whatever poison this is, it's too strong for me to purify." Her strained face twists in fear for her dear friend. "Dammit, what do I do?"

Sukuna sighs and gently raises your arm to his mouth. If sorcery couldn't remove the poison, then Sukuna had to manually remove it.

Sei stops him, "You'll die if you ingest it!"

Sukuna rolls his eyes with a click of his tongue, "I'm not just any sorcerer. Don't worry about me."

With that, he places his lips over the cut on your arm and begins to suck the poison out of you. (Sukuna vampire au when⁉️ 🫣🔥) Despite its bitter taste, Sukuna didn't stop drinking until all he could taste was your blood.

The typical procedure is to suck out the poison from the wound and spit it out, but that would only contaminate the soil. Sukuna had no choice but to swallow it. Hopefully, his supernatural body could handle it.

"Look! It's disappearing!" One of the villagers points at your arm.

Sukuna doesn't stop, not until you regain consciousness. You slowly awake to feel his soft, warm lips against your flesh. Despite almost meeting death, your first instinct is to slap him off of you.

"AAAH, GET OFF ME YOU DEMON!" You cry with your face cherry red.


You jump to your feet although your stance is a bit wobbly, "How do I know you weren't trying to kill me!? You mongrel!"

The villagers all kindly protest to you, "No, no! You've got it all wrong, Miss! He was drinking the poison out! He saved your life! He really did!"

You turn to Sukuna who is bashfully wiping his mouth and looking away. Your heart skips a beat and you feel butterflies in your stomach. He . . . saved you? Again? Where was this coming from? What happened to the Sukuna that wanted to kill you so badly?

"R-Really? He did?" Your gaze doesn't leave Sukuna's. "Sukuna?"

He rolls his eyes, trying to act nonchalant, "Don't get any ideas. I only did it because you have my respect, we are allies," but the flush in his cheeks says otherwise.

Sei spins you around, her face twisted in worry, "Are you okay? Your arm is swollen and you look pale. Come to the infirmary with me, I need to patch you up."

You wince, clutching your throbbing arm now that the adrenaline has worn off, "You're right, thank you, Sei."

The two of you quietly pass by Sukuna who doesn't move. It wasn't until you were a few steps past him that he grabbed your attention.

[▶] 𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ & ƔƖƝƊƖƇƬƖƔЄ ƖMMƠƦƬƛԼ | R. Sukuna | 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷&𝟸Where stories live. Discover now