Stinking Up The Locker Room

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Stacey was sweating profusely after a long hour of running during PE. Which tired her out immensely and she had to go get a bottle of water to quench her thirst "Oh man, that was one long run, I am going to need some water and hopefully I can find that nerd and teach her a little something." She said while grinning and pounding her first against her hand. She then opened the door to the locker room, when suddenly her face was squished in-between two huge black ass cheeks. "Aww I'm sorry Stacey, is my ass in your way?" Jenny said while giggling "NERD WHY ARE IN HERE? AND GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY FACE." Stacey yelled angrily, she then tried to push her way out but that resulted in both of them being stuck inside the locker room. Stacey then got up out of Jenny's fat ass and looked at her confused "What the? Why are you a skunk?!" Jenny then giggled and said "I don't know. I just woke up like this." Stacey covered her nose while "Well at least take a shower or something you stink" Jenny then giggled before she suddenly let out a fart causing Stacey to burst out laughing "Oh god nerd did you really have to let one rip that much?" Stacey said while laughing a lot and Jenny farted again, this time on purpose as she began laughing as well. "Welp I guess I had to do it since what else should a skunk like me do?" Jenny said teasingly as she farted a whole bunch.

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