Blossoming Love

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Levi was always fascinated by (Y/N) innocent look but he knew that there was more to him than meets the eye. He wanted to protect him and get close to him so he decided to spend more time with him and watch over his every move.
Male Reader - *Chews on sleeve* Captain how come you're watching me today? *pout*

Levi - *Chuckles at (Y/N) adorable pout* Well I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you is there something wrong with that?

Male Reader - No sir

Levi - Good my expression softening looking at (Y/N) before reaching out and ruffles the boy's hair playfully.

Male Reader - *Giggles*

Levi POV - Levi smiles at (Y/N) giggle and continues to play with his hair. He feels a warm feeling in his chest something he hasn't felt before when interacting with someone else.

Male Reader - *Bites sleeve hiccuping*

Levi POV - Levi notices that (Y/N) is hiccuping asking if he was ok gently caressing his face.

Male Reader - *Nods shaking alittle*

Levi POV - I was relieved gently pulling the boy into my arms holding him close trying to comfort him. "Shhh... It's okay" softly stroking (Y/N) hair.

Levi POV - I didn't like how Erwin had him in the war he was to innocent. I couldn't help but feel protective of (Y/N) especially when I've found out that Erwin had him fighting in the war. I knew that the boy was too innocent and pure to be involved in such a violent conflict. I'd always made sure to keep an eye on him at all times during missions making sure nothing bad happened to him. I suddenly broke out of my thoughts seeing (Y/N) walk away. Quickly following him wanting to make sure that he was safe. Soon catching up with the boy I gently grabbed his arm turning him around to face me.

Male Reader - *Confused look*

Levi - "Where are you going?" My grip on (Y/N) arm tightening slightly. I didn't want the boy to leave without telling him where he was headed or why.

Male Reader - Commander Erwin wanted me to get ready

Levi - "Ready for what?" I asked my voice stern but not aggressive not liking the idea of (Y/N) being sent on a mission without knowing about it.

Male Reader - Sir don't you remember? I need to go fight Titans again today

Levi POV - My eyes widened as he remembered the mission that Erwin had assigned to him. I let go of the boy's arm and took a step back with a darkening expression. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Male Reader - Huh? *Confused look*

Levi - I'm your Captain *stern voice* You should have told me that you were going on a mission today I crossed my arms and looked at (Y/N) with an unamused expression.

Male Reader - I-sir *confused look* I did tell you

Levi - You didn't *tone becoming sharper* I would have remembered if you told me "narrowed my eyes at (Y/N) waiting for an explanation".

Male Reader - *Shakes head* Sir you did *Takes permission slip out*

Levi POV - My eyes widened seeing the permission slip taking it from (Y/N) carefully examining it. "Oh I guess I did forget about this."

Male Reader - *Nods* You signed it but you must have forgot because you did it in the middle of your own paperwork

Levi POV - I sighed and ran a hand through my hair feeling embarrassed. "Yeah... I must have signed it without realizing what it was for" I admitted. Looking at (Y/N) apologetically. "I'm sorry that I forgot about the mission."

Male Reader - it's ok sir

Levi - No it's not I should have paid more attention to what I was signing. It's my job as your Captain to make sure that you are safe and prepared for missions. *Takes a deep breath trying to regain my composure* Do you know when the mission is supposed to start?

Male Reader - Ummm *Chews sleeve again* now

Levi - Now?! *Eyes wide* Why didn't you tell me that it was supposed to start right now!?

Male Reader - S-Sorry sir...

Levi POV - *Sighing I turned around and started walking towards the door motioning for (Y/N) to follow.

Male Reader POV - *Confused I followed behind Levi he didn't look happy*

Levi POV - As I walked with (Y/N) I remained silent still upset that (Y/N) hadn't told me about the mission earlier but there wasn't much time to waste now. We soon arrived at the door opening it as he followed behind me.

Male Reader - Sir? what are you doing I need to leave *pouts*

Levi - I'm coming with you *Says firmly* I wasn't going to let (Y/N) go on this mission alone especially after finding out that he had been assigned it at the last minute.

Male Reader - Sir you aren't allowed *pouts*

Levi POV - " I don't care" I wasn't going to let Erwin stop me from protecting (Y/N) no matter what the rules said. "If you think I'm letting you go on this mission without me then you are sorely mistaken".

Male Reader - but-sir.... if you get demoted I can't be in your squad anymore.. *Levi seemed to not realize that*

Levi POV - I froze realizing what (Y/N) had just said. I've never thought about the fact that if I'd got demoted then we wouldn't be able to serve together anymore. Soon my determination to protect him turned into desperation and fear. "No" mutters under breath.

Male Reader - Sir *Frowns*

Levi POV - I've begun looking at (Y/N) with a pained expression on my face "I can't let that happen" *Says softly trying to hold back tears* if I get demoted... If we can't be in the same squad anymore...

Male Reader - *Hugs Levi tight trying to calm him down*

Levi POV - I froze as (Y/N) wrapped his arms around me letting out a shaky breath I leaned into the embrace letting myself be comforted by (Y/N) warmth. "I can't lose you" whispered softly.

Male Reader - Sir I promise to be ok *smiles* does it make you feel better knowing I'll be in Erens group?

Levi - I... I guess it does still not liking the idea of (Y/N) being on a mission without him but at least he knew that Eren would be there to protect him. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze I slightly pulled back. "Just promise me one thing.

Male Reader - *Nods*

Levi POV - Promise me that you'll come back in one piece *voice soft and vulnerable looking at the boy with pleading eyes silently begging him to stay safe.

Male Reader - S-Sir I can't

Levi - You can *I insisted, squeezing his hand tightly not wanting to hear that answer I couldn't bear the thought of losing him* I need you to promise me that you will come back alive.

Male Reader - I'll try *Pouts*

Levi POV - "That's all I ask" Saying with a hint of sadness in my voice. I knew that (Y/N) couldn't make any promises about coming back alive he was going on an incredibly dangerous mission and anything could happen. "Just... come back safely okay?

Male Reader - *Nods*

Levi POV - "Good" Letting go of his hand I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before turning my back.

Levi POV - I heard the door shut keeping my back turned trying to hold back tears soon sitting down at the desk. Never feeling so scared and helpless before in my life. Soon a sudden realization of what could happen on this mission hit me I couldn't stop crying. "I can't lose you" whispered over and over again between sobs.

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