Tasty Treat

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Levi POV - I spent the rest of the day in his office trying to keep himself busy with paperwork and other tasks. But every now and then I'd glance out the window at the gate hoping that (Y/N) would come back soon. The thought of him being on a dangerous mission without me made his stomach churn with anxiety. As the hours ticked by I've begun to grow more and more worried. I'm aware that it would take a while for him to return from his mission but he couldn't help feeling like something was wrong. My thoughts were racing beginning to paced back and forth in my office trying not to think about what might have happened.


Levi POV - I heard the sound of footsteps approaching my office immediately stopping pacing. Soon the door opened seeing it was Eren and his group. My eyes scanned not seeing (Y/N) with them feeling my heart sank. Grabbing Eren's arm I looked at him frantically before gulpling hard my body shook. "Where's (Y/N)?!?!" Asking my voice full of desperation.

Eren - Sir...

Levi - H-he didn't come back with you?

Levi POV - I said my voice breaking looking at Eren with pleading eyes hoping that he would have some sort of explanation for what had happened to him.

Eren - Sir...he's ok *Smiles*

Levi POV - I let out a sigh of relief hearing that (Y/N) was okay. I'd had been so worried about him and the thought of something happening to him had been eating away at my mind all day. "Thank goodness" saying letting go of Eren's arm. "Where is he?

Eren *Smiles* He's getting icecream sir

Levi POV - I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. I've been worried sick about the boy and here he was going out for ice cream like it was no big deal. "Of course he did" I said with a smile on my face.

Eren - Sir me and Armin took care of him

Levi POV - I nodded, grateful that he had been taken care of by Eren and Armin. "Thank you" I said sincerely I'd knew that they would have done everything in their power to keep him safe, even if it meant putting themselves in danger.


Male Reader POV - I tried to decide what flavor of ice cream I wanted excited by all the flavors suddenly feeling someone grab him from behind. Gasping I turned around seeing it was Captain Levi as he held me tighter.

Male Reader - S-sir

Male Reader POV - He didn't say anything as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

Levi POV - I buried my face in his shoulder breathing in his scent feeling relieved that he was safe. "I was so worried about you" whispers.

Male Reader - I-I kept my promise

Male Reader POV - Levi smiled as he pulled away from the hug. "You did" he said softly brushing a strand of hair out of your face "I'm proud of you."

Male Reader - *Giggles*

Levi POV - I couldn't help but smile seeing how happy (Y/N) was like this it warmed my heart to know that I've made him so joyful. "Now let's get some ice cream" soon taking him by the hand leading him towards the ice cream shop.

Male Reader - *Holds Levi's hand* Sir I'm not sure what flavor to get

Levi squeezed my hand gently as we walked towards the ice cream shop. "Let me help you decide," he said, stopping in front of the counter and studying all of the different flavors. "What do you like? Chocolate? Vanilla?

Male Reader - Ummm I want something sweet! Please! *Smiles big*

Male Reader POV - Levi suggested Strawberry happily nodding my head. He soon got me my cone as I graciously took it thanking him as he got his.

Levi POV - I smiled watching (Y/N) takes a bite of his ice cream impressed by how polite and well-mannered he was even in the midst of all the chaos that surrounded them. "How does it taste?" Asking curiously.

Male Reader - it's sweet sir! I think Strawberry is my favorite flavor

Levi chuckles before getting his own cone squeezing (Y/N) hand tighter....

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