☆Bedtime || Chan x Seungmin

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It was 4:52 in the morning and Chan had stayed up until now to work on his recent projects for the upcoming album. He didn't feel tired. So caught up in work he actually didn't really feel anything.
At least up until he sensed something moving beside him. His heart instantly stopped, and he turned to his side to see a silhouette wrapped in darkness standing by his doorframe.
»Hey Channie«
The scary shadow sounded surprisingly soft.
»God damn it Seungmin, you gave me a heart attack«
Chan tried to find his heartbeat by laying his hand on his chest, just to check if he was actually still alive.

He eventually caught his breath as he got to see Seungmin's face when he came closer.
»Why are you up at this hour? I thought you were a ghost«
Chan started to complain but was faced with Seungmin whining back.
»I can't sleep«
His voice sounded unusually serious.
Chan wanted to cheer him up but Seungmin wasn't done yet.
»Also I hate to see you still working this late. You know, you'd be way more productive if you actually got some proper sleep?«
He sounded snappy, Chan wasn't going to let him get away with that tone.
»Well you're not one to talk«
»At least my whole personality isn't just working«

Chan gave back a sharp glance and Seungmin realized his mistake. He yawned before backing down a bit.
»Sorry I'm just grumpy because I couldn't get any sleep«
He looked so cute like this, Chan couldn't even be mad at him.
He grabbed Seungmin by his hoodie sleeve and forced him to sit down in his lap.
»Here's the song I'm working on«
He turned their chair back to his computer and Seungmin squinted at the brightness of the screen.
»Maybe I can bore you with the details to the point where you fall asleep«

Chan pushed the chair back a bit to be able to reach the blanket on his bed. He gently wrapped it around Seungmin who just let everything happen to him.
Chan started to point out different elements he incorporated into the melodies and explained every beat to Seungmin. He hoped he could help him this way but he also just liked talking about his work.

Seungmin had been quiet for a while and Chan had hoped he would feel sleepy now. He smiled to himself but then noticed Seungmin had put on headphones and wasn't even listening. He had been nodding along to everything Chan said but wasn't even paying attention in the slightest.
Chan silently shook his head in disbelief but then gently hugged against Seungmin from behind.
He came forward a little to see Seungmin's face. The younger was staring at the motionless screen, slowly nodding to the music that was quietly playing on his ears. Not a single thought behind those pretty eyes, he had propped his head up on his hands wrapped by his hoodie sleeves.
Chan wondered if he was peacefully carefree or plotting evil schemes. Either way, he found him so adorable.

»You're so cute«
Chan couldn't hold back. It was always unpredictable with Seungmin whether he liked such compliments or not, depending on his mood. Chan wasn't sure if he had heard him at all.
He just looked at him for another second before gently removing the headphones from his head.
»It's bedtime now«
Seungmin turned back to look at Chan with sleepy eyes.
»I'm not tired«
Chan's heart started to ache a little. He could sense Seungmin wasn't feeling well.
»This is so unusual for you Minnie. Is something bothering you?«
Chan held his hand against the back of his head, brushing through his hair.
»No I'm okay. I don't even know why I can't sleep. I tried but it just wouldn't work.

»We'll figure something out«
Chan knew he had to try to stay positive to reassure Seungmin.
He lifted the younger man up from his lap and then got out of the chair to pull Seungmin onto the bed with him.
»I'll cuddle you to sleep if I have to«
Seungmin wanted to protest but it was too late. Chan wrapped his arms tightly around him from the side and just smiled since he knew Seungmin was powerless.

»This won't work«
Seungmin was still pessimistic and Chan eventually loosened his hold for the other to lay comfortably next to him.
»Don't you feel calm and protected when I hold you?«
Chan couldn't stop himself from teasing but earned being left in silence for it.
»Have you fallen asleep, Minnie?«
Chan felt like he was running out of options as he started to feel tired himself.
»Just close your eyes and count to one hundred«
Seungmin just sighed.
»I've already tried that. Twice«

»Oh my Minnie, what will I do with you?«
Chan gently brushed his hand over the other's cheek and noticed how he actually got a little calmer.
»Actually, did you know, it's easier to fall asleep when you're not too focused on falling asleep?«
»So what else should I focus on?«
Seungmin sounded a bit skeptical but at this point, he was likely getting a bit desperate.
»Maybe you could focus on me«
Chan felt like getting a bit daring. He let his hand slide down over Seungmin's chest to his waist and squeezed a little.
Seungmin inhaled sharply at the touch.
He was usually not a big fan of skinship unless he was in full control.

»What's the use of sleeping now? It's almost morning again«
He still sounded as annoyed as before but Chan stayed cheerful. He was somehow just happy to have Seungmin by his side.
»I'll let you sleep in extra long, okay? Your body will be thankful for getting enough rest«
Seungmin looked like he was starting to finally give in. At this point there was probably nothing more he could do to free himself from Chan's hold.
»I guess I'll just need to try«
He wasn't a hundred percent convinced yet but knew calming down would be his only option.

»Focus on me«
Chan smirked as he enjoyed the thought of getting Seungmin's attention. He squeezed himself against the younger man's body while keeping one hand on his stomach. The thick fabric of Seungmin's hoodie separated Chan's fingers from his skin but Chan was sure the other could feel it still.
»I know it sounds strange but when you don't think about sleeping, you will fall asleep easier«
Chan whispered his advice to Seungmin who seemed too tired to reply.
»Focus on me«
Chan made sure Seungmin could feel his touch as he started to get sleepy himself.

The warmth of Seungmin's body and getting to hold him made Chan feel at peace. He managed to stay awake until he noticed the other's breathing getting slow and steady. He hoped Seungmin had fallen asleep at last as he let himself get comfortable as well.

Chan woke up to sunlight on his face. It took a while for him to open his eyes and fully grasp the situation but when he noticed someone lying with him he remembered everything that happened at night.

Seungmin was snoring a tiny bit and had turned in his sleep to hug tightly against Chan's chest. Chan didn't dare to move or even breathe too heavily for he didn't want to wake Seungmin at any cost.
The sight of him was just so adorable and Chan remembered he had promised to let him sleep as long as he needed to.

Chan felt trapped in his bed but accepted he had brought this situation upon himself.
He just had to lay here with nothing to do but holding Seungmin.

Maybe it wasn't too bad.

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