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"Hahhh?! A new kid??"

"Yes. She'll be joining you three from now on."

"What's her name, Yaga-sensei?"




A girl with golden ringed eyes and red hair pulled back in a braid enters the classroom. Yaga nods at her and motions for her to choose a seat. She picks a seat at the very back of the room.

As Yaga starts discussing the students' new topic for today, Suguru decides to be polite and be the one who asks the new girl some...

introductory questions.

"Hi! Your name's Makima right"

"You should state your name before asking for others'." she nonchalantly replied

Ieiri Shoko sweatdrops. "I guess we're not off to a good start huh."

"My apologies. My name is Geto Suguru." he smiled

"Makima. A pleasure to meet you, Geto "shut the fuck up and leave me alone" Suguru."

"Well that was pretty mean. But he's trash so burn him all you want." Shoko commented

A certain white-haired person was getting annoyed, ignoring the girl's blunt insult. "I wanna fight this new girl already. Judging from her low cursed energy, she should be pretty weak." he thought

Gojo Satoru is the strongest sorcerer. Even he, himself, knows it. At the youthful age of 18, the juvenile (yes juvenile) possesses the famed Six Eyes and Limitless Cursed technique.

Gifted indeed.

Little did he know, Makima was concealing her cursed energy. Although she isn't very good at it for now since it's hard to hide her tremendous power.

She's hiding it alright, but some of her energy seeps out and comes off as weak to other people.

Satoru raises his hand. "SENSEI!"

Yaga sighs. It's gonna be another stupid question isn't it?
"Yes, Satoru?"

"How come she joined as a second-year?" he said, pointing at the red-haired girl

"She's your age."

"Then how'd you recruit her?"

"I encountered her a week ago on a mission when I felt cursed energy coming from a person."

"Though I have to admit...her energy signature does feel a bit weak." Yaga thought

"Could it be possible that she's concealing it in some way? She's the one that destroyed that curse." he thought once more

"Wait...the mission you told us? The one with 2 special-grade cursed spirits?" Shoko asked

"Yes. She exorcised them before I got there. She was still there when I arrived." Yaga answered

"They killed my dog." a voice finally spoke up

"You exorcised 2 special-grade curses just because they killed your dog? Isn't that kinda reckless?" Suguru asked

"That dog was the only family I had left." Makima said, her face emotionless as she stares at the one who asked

Yet deep inside, her eyes showed a glint of sorrow. No one she met had ever been able to see what she was going through, the pain she holds in those golden eyes.

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