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I was watching Uranus from afar as I slowly sighed

Well at least Neptune told me the things that happened. I'm just glad Uranus is okay..

I turned and saw Saturn

ˊ Jupiter Are You alright? You seem to he down my friend. ˋ

He asked worried about me.

ˊ It's nothing.. I'm just worried about Uranus. He's not talking after all that's happened. ˋ

I said as Saturn patted me on the back trying to comfort me.

ˊ I'm sure he's fine.. He's just.. Needs space for the moment. Alright?. ˋ

Saturn said with a soft tone.

ˊ If you say so.. ˋ

I turned away.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺


I sat there in my orbit still traumatized by what happened until I noticed a shadow in the distance..

I sighed thinking I had another hallucination..

Until it came out of the shadows. I noticed it was like iris a bit..

ˊ Hello there.. ˋ

It say with a stern tone.

I was kinda scared but responded.

ˊ Hello... Who are you.. ˋ

I asked as he sighed.

ˊ Just Call Me... ˋ


It said as it slowly turned to me..

ˊ I've noticed your always alone.. ˋ

It asked in a sorrowful tone.

ˊ Oh yeah.. Alot has happened with me. ˋ

I said still saddened about what happened..

ˊ Is Everything alright?.. You look a bit.. Down. ˋ

It asked noticing my sadness

ˊ Nothing.. Just hallucinating.. ˋ

I said as he hugged me.. I was surprised

I didn't even know Helix not even a bit. But yet he comforted me.

ˊ What the!? ˋ

I shierked as I sobbed on his shoulder

ˊ It's alright.. ˋ

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰


I accidentally fell asleep and woke up confused..

Helix was gone. But he did leave me something.

I don't remember what's it called but I remembered sun calling it a..


Wonder why he called it that..

But he said only Nebula had theses.. Why did Helix had one?.

ˊ Huh.. He left this.. I'll keep it until he comes back ˋ

I said as I picked up the jewel..

I was curious about these and never saw any of these.

The stories Sun told us about them were cool!

I miss when he told us about these..

I put hid the jewel in my diary as I looked around..

I wonder.. WHO IS HELIX?


Lazy ass chapter because I had to clean my whole house
Anyways on May 11th I'll be moving to a new house so that means a new start for me!
Thank you for 7K Watchers! I appreciate that everyone loves my story! :3
I'm sorry for this was a boring chapter it's the best I could do since I didn't think of a script in my head..
But hopefully you enjoyed and I'll see you on the other side!

             - ANTHONY


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