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"You're kidding, our evaluation is next week?!" I ask Camila. I'm not going to lie but it completely slipped my mind. I thought we had at least two weeks left to practice. 

She shakes her head, "Addison, I don't know where you've been but you need to seriously start writing things down." 

I sighed, she was right. You would think I would have this whole college this down by now but in my defense, we only got to the serious stuff this year. I was now partaking in actual nursing skills and I was nervous about it. You know when you first fill out your college application and your major seems so far away from being a reality? That was the best way I could explain it, it was now here. 

"I'll get to it soon, but now I have to run to the other side of campus before the bookstore closes. I don't have my book for anatomy yet. Are you staying or would you care to accompany me on a twenty-minute walk?"

Camila snorts, "You're crazy. I'm staying back, I have to study anyways before I head home."

"Okay! I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I wave at her to say goodbye. I turn to run in the direction of the doors. I had to get there immediately or else I would face an extremely long but confusing lecture tomorrow when the professor would go over a hundred slides and none of them would make sense. 

Thankfully September had the best weather for a good run. I wouldn't need to worry about slipping on ice or wet pavement. The only obstacle was going to be the multitude of bodies around campus in the second week of classes. If it was any other week I wouldn't be worried about crowds or big lines but this was way too early in the semester for students to give up and start the habit of not attending lectures. Therefore, everyone is on campus today. 

The early fall breeze hits my face as I start making it out of the building. I let the door behind me close, ready to go down the stairs. Out of nowhere the wind stops, which raises confusion. It was only a second though, my face soon hit a really hard thing sending me a step back. I grunt in annoyance at myself. It doesn't take me long to realize the thing I hit was a person who I quite honestly didn't care to find out who it was. 

"Sorry, are you okay-" a voice asks but I interrupt them before I have to face them. 

What was I supposed to say? It wasn't like I broke my nose or something.

"Yup, all good. Sorry, have a great day!" I say as I walk away from the person. I wish it didn't come off as rude but I am pretty sure it did. However, I cross the street and suddenly become curious about the person I rudely walked away from. I decided to look back, to take a small peek at this person. Unfortunately, it was a bad idea. There he was, looking back at me. He stood tall with a facial expression I couldn't put a word on. The one thing I'll say is, that this man was not bad looking at all. 

However, I was still weirded out so I turned back and headed in the direction of the bookstore. I knew I would never see him again on this big of a campus. Even more, I would never know why he was still standing there despite me not sparing him another second. 

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