The Hidden Cove

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The Captain's shallow breathing had stilled entirely before Castle Ambry came into view. Thus we were already in a dark mood as the Indomitable drew near, ran by the former first mate, with a prize crew of sailors bringing along the merchantman as well. A few of the Gauntlet candidates had rejoiced earlier at such a success. It wasn't as though I couldn't understand their point of view. After all, we'd successfully engaged with some kind of pirate force and brought back a ship which could legally be added to Castle Ambry's small fleet.

Yet everything about it was strange. And now Castle Ambry looked different...

If nothing else. few fishing craft were docked along the jetty. There were no larger vessels as well.

"Look!" Hex called out, pointing into the murky waters.

My heart fell as I saw the damaged rigging of a ship sticking out of the water, broken spars jutting out like fingers. It must have sunk in the gentle harbor just outside the castle, but that was impossible. Impossible unless it had been set on fire...

The Indomitable adjusted as it gave the sunken vessel a wide berth. Only now could I make out the scorch marks that littered the harbor. Aside from those solitary black marks, there was a solid block of black-clad figures, mingling with knights in full armor and squires in faded yellow jerkins. They waited for us, lances gleaming in the air.

"There's been a battle," Klaus breathed out.

Our arrival came in something of a haze. The first words exchanged between us came in stern formality as we docked in place, the prize vessel drifting to its own spot in the jetty. Gauntlets swarmed over to meet us, yet it was only when they brushed past with hard faces that I realized they were simply taking over the vessel. In the end it was the Patrol Leader who gave in and answered, pestered by the Gauntlet candidates.

"Four hours ago Castle Ambry was attacked," he began, and only now did I notice the fresh bloodstains on the black robes he wore over a coat of light mail. "By Khall cultists and mercenaries in their thrall." He paused. "I suspect you ran into one of the attacking ships by chance. Once the prisoners are brought to Castle Ambry, we set sail at once... as extremely valuable property to the King was taken." Vandross' gaze fell to meet mine, and beneath the hard eyes was a hint of sympathy. "Ragimir, one of the realm's hatchling dragons."

Murmuring broke out around me. Many seemed utterly baffled, though a few nodded sagely, as if they'd heard rumors about the dragon being kept secure in Castle Ambry. I simply wavered, nearly falling to my feet. Then I felt Harold grip me by the side. Calm, hazel eyes glanced at me. "We'll get him back," he said.

I clung to his words and his support alike as Gauntlets and soldiers clambered aboard.

"Candidates, back ashore," one of the veteran Gauntlets grunted at us. Only now did I realize the others had clustered around me, almost defensively.

"No," Klaus said first, "this is our fight as much as it is yours."

"What?" the older Gauntlet replied, raising an eyebrow. Before the situation could escalate, Vandross passed him by, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Easy, Titus. We could use the numbers." He pitched his voice louder. "Gauntlet candidates, you're free to stay with us or leave for the barracks. Just make your decision quickly. If you stick with us, that means following orders in the battle still to come."

"I'll be fighting," I said thickly. Vandross merely nodded and stepped away, taking command of the ship as the cloaked body of the fallen ship's captain was taken ashore for burial. Within minutes we had set sail once again, the captured merchantman trailing behind us. The sun hung low in the clouds, casting its fading rays on us as we set out in pursuit of those who had kidnapped Ragimir.

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