Chapter 1: Moving Out

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Warning: Swearing

Tabby sniffled as she packed the last of her stuff
into a cardboard box. She already couldn't wait for tomorrow. She was finally leaving this town for good. While the other villagers weren't being problematic towards her, the mayor..well, he was a different story. Every single time Tabby went outside, this asshole would always hit her with his net, for no reason in particular, and he also kept sending her rude and hurtful letters, calling her ugly and annoying, and saying that he would be better off if she left.

Well, if that's what he wants, that's what he'll get. Tabby also noticed how the mayor showed more care towards the other villagers, especially since they were all visually appealing. It made her feel left out, like she didn't belong in this town. Hell, she even felt afraid to go outside sometimes. She didn't feel welcome here at all. Tabby only wanted to live a life where she could connect with people, make some friends. It's not about looks, she was a friendly cat, and she couldn't understand why people had to be so mean.

Her anger rose as she looked out the window, seeing that douchebag enjoying himself, he's probably glad she's leaving, not even giving a crap. Well, that's just fine by her. If anything, it made her feel better about leaving. She groaned as she closed the curtains, climbing into her sleeping bag. "Just get some sleep, got a busy day tomorrow..", she told herself, closing her eyes.

As soon as it was morning the next day, she eagerly got all her stuff, running out of her house, and making her way towards the train station. Tabby didn't even bother saying goodbye to anyone, it didn't really matter anyways. As she waited for the train to arrive, she took one last look at the town, glad that she'll never have to look at this place anymore. The train soon arrived, and before she got on, Tabby flipped off the town. "Good riddance, you piece of shit..", she muttered. Climbing aboard and getting into her seat, she looked around, noticing a blue cat with big eyes sitting a few seats away from her.

As the train finally started moving, she looked out the window, enjoying the view. Wherever she was going next, she prayed it would be way better than her last town.

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