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Hermione slowly woke feeling different, it wasn't bad, it actually felt amazing, but she wasn't used to this feeling. Her body and mind gradually transitioned from sleep to waking. She felt the comfort of being squeezed tightly between two sets of strong arms. She glanced between Draco and Theo on either side of her, not remembering falling asleep between them. She looked at their sleeping forms and shook her head slightly in disbelief. She snuggled even deeper into their comfortable warmth, her eyes slowly drifting shut as she drifted back into blissful slumber with the thought that she could get used to waking up like this more often.


Hermione slowly blinked open her eyes, the warm feel of skin and flesh against her own waking her up. Gentle hands were caressing her body, the touch sending shivers of pleasure through her. Still slightly asleep, a low soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips.

She stirred, finally waking up enough to notice her surroundings. Draco's side was empty, he must've woken up earlier and she wondered where he was. Bright morning light filled the dorm, hours after she woke up last. She looked over to find Theo who was lying on his side, his head propped up on his hand, watching her body's reaction to his touch.

She shifted to lie on her side, placing both hands under her cheek, she watched him as he continued to slide his hands over her hips with furrowed brows.

"How are you feeling, love?"

"Better" She croaked, voice rough from sleep.

He gave her a kind smile, leaning down to kiss her. She backed away, rolling over to grab her wand from the bedside table. She waved it, casting a fresh breath charm on them both, then returned to her previous position. He chuckled as their lips met. The feeling of his mouth on hers sent heat coursing through her body. She inhaled his scent, picking up hints of cedarwood and leather. His tongue swiped near the seam of her lips, and when she opened up to him, she let out an involuntary moan.

Kissing Theo was different; he dominated her mouth both sweetly and lovingly. It was almost confusing how he managed to take control while also making her feel so cared for at the same time. Electricity surged through her body down to her core as they kissed. Hermione wrapped her arms around Theo's neck, losing herself in him. Just as the kiss grew dangerously passionate, he pulled away, causing her to whimper at the loss.

Theo smirked, looking at her lips before biting his own as if he could still feel hers on his. He pecked her one last time before asking, "How about a shower?"

Hermione caught her breath at the suggestion but nodded eagerly.

"We'll have to sneak in; if anyone sees you in the boys' dorms, you'll surely get detention," he cooed, almost teasingly.

She snorted, "We surely cannot have that... If I got detention, you'd have to find a way to keep me company..." Her attempt at flirting did not go unnoticed.

His grin widened, "You know I would. And just think of the rumors... 'Did you hear? Hermione Granger was caught sneaking around with a devastatingly handsome, delicious, sexy, kissable—"

"Alright, alright," she laughed. "I get it, it would be a scandal."

"If debauchery with me is considered a scandal, imagine what they'd say if they knew the whole truth?"

"That I've lost my mind."

"You truly have," He said while laughing. He threw off the sheet, exposing her body. "Letting five Death Eaters defile you... What are you thinking, Miss Granger?" He began placing open mouth kisses in between her breasts.

"Not five Death Eaters..." she breathed, he began placing a string of kisses down her torso. "One Death Eater, three sons of Death Eaters, and the half-brother of the Dark Lord himself..." She was surprised she said all of that without stuttering considering his mouth was now below her belly button. "For some reason, that sounds worse," she laughed, but it came out awkward.

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