Second Chance?

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I'm here Sir. I gave you what you wanted. Get to talking. My back presses against the restaurant chair as I take a sip of the ice cold water before placing it back on the table.

Sitting here is the last thing I thought I would do after that night at the Grammy's. I showed up to a common area with enough traffic. I push the frame of my falling sunglasses up the bridge of my nose waiting for his response.

His eyes are wandering my covered body and I feel like this was a terrible mistake. My phone screen lights up and My Wife 💍, is calling me. I press the power button and pick up my phone as I push the chair away from the table getting ready to leave.

Sir. grabs ahold of my wrist and I look down at this hand then his face. Sit down, Fantasia. He instructs me but I refuse to follow his orders.

We have been sitting here for the past 15 mins and that is the first thing you say. I have somewhere I need to be. Let go of my wrist. I say through gritted teeth.

He pulls down on my wrist not letting up and instructs me to sit down again. Begrudgingly, I oblige with my body halfway on the seat and distanced from the table.

Talk, Sir. I don't have all day. He chuckles at my attitude before continuing.

So, you're gay now? With your co-star at that? He leans against the table looking me directly in my eyes.

Why does that matter to you? That is my business and we are divorced. Last time I remember it was the divorce you initiated. This is a joke. I'm leaving and this time do not stop me. I move the seat further away from the table and walk through the other tables so I don't have to walk past Sir.

Fantasia, wait. He calls out following behind me. I continue walking, tapping my phone screen and looking at my notifications. I feel his hand on my waist and I jerk at the touch.

Are you crazy? Don't ever touch me like that again in your life. I push the restaurant door open and walk towards my car. Opening the passenger door, I throw my purse on the seat closing it.

Fantasia, I really need to talk to you. Can we talk for just a minute? I huff at his remarks, proceeding to the drivers seat. He holds my door open and leans against the door.

Do I need to call 911? I still have a restraining order against your ass. Move. I don't spare him a look.

He leans against the door frame bringing his head into the car. Fantasia, I was a coward. I was so mad at you for what happened to our son. You went on like it never happened. You took up the tv role as if we didn't just lose our son. I wanted nothing to do with you then. I saw your movie and you did a good job. I may not approve of a few things, but it was good. I just wanted the chance to talk to you again. It's been a year since everything and I can really say I miss you. I miss us. Don't you? I remain quiet not looking at him, feeling his breath close to my face.

I sigh before removing my sunglasses. I will talk to you outside of this car, please back away. I wait for him to move back from the door frame. I swing my legs out of the seat and shut the door. I lean against the hood of the car.

First things first, I don't miss us. I stop missing us after you intentionally ignored every one of my phone calls. I stop missing us when I received our petition for divorce in the mail. I gave you more than enough time to grieve and be alone. None of that was by choice. You chose to leave our home after we left the hospital, you chose to distance yourself from me, you chose this divorce. My question is why are you back here now? What has changed? Cause the only thing that has changed is you harassing me. The words left my mouth as quickly as they entered my thoughts, my expression emotionless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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