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||Chapter 11||

She seated herself next to his bed on a brown wooden framed chair with a soft dark brown cushion on it. Her petite hands rested on her laps. Her eyes were threatening to tear up, but instead managed to hold her them back. Her only desire was to see her brother's face again- smiling sweetly at her.

Her brown eyes were fixed on the tall,thin woman who patted Leon's face softly with a white warm towel. Her hands began to grip tightly on her blue dress and her forehead began to form moisture. Her eyes watched the lady wrap a white bandage round his head and before she knew it she had the lady utter words to her.

"I will be on my way out." She spoke with a soft tone.

It's been a day since Leon had been laying in his bed and Alethea has been growing impatient. Something had to be done and quickly- before The King returns.

She thought for a moment and just then an idea popped in her head.

"A healing potion." She thought to herself.
"But where will I find one?"

"Ali... don't leave me...," he spoke in soft mumbles.

Alethea's eyes widened and her eyebrows rose just above her forehead. Her small pink lips hung opened as she took slow took steps towards him.

"Leon?" She managed to gather words.

"I don't want her... she's evil...," he spoke as he tried to sit up straight. "This pain." He uttered with his eyes tightly closed.

"Here!" Alethea spoke as she placed a soft cushion behind him. "Rest Leon. You need more rest than ever."

Just then a soft knock was heard and Ali immediately hoped off his bed and turned to open the door. There a maiden stood straight and tall dressed in her blue attire. Her face expressionless not an ounce of an expression on her.

"Princess Alethea... . Oh this is great The Prince is awake now. I will inform the other maidens."

"Before I go. The townsfolk people aren't satisfied by your actions Prince Leon. Multiple people have gathered outside the castle grounds yelling and throwing stones. They claim that they lost precious objects and a feww lost some of their family members due to the rebellion that happened two days. This is in your hands Prince Leon. Not to worry much I have already sent a few guards outside to protect this castle."



The sky was painted with a very light shade of sky-blue spreading thousands and thousands of miles away. The fluffy,puffy white clouds floated in the sky close to the yellow ball of light- gleaming brightfully in the sky. It's rays struck the grounds of the earth sending extreme heat waves that could melt you instantly. The earth breathed out a breath of fire on the people causing them

Outside the castle gates obstructing the pathway into the castle- there stood a small group of people on a narrow grey-stony bridge. Yelling very loudly, crying out for The King to let them in, but they were greeted by the tall, muscular guards dressed in silver wear. They spat in the poor guards faces and even kicked them. Despite all of that they remained unhinged and only tightened their grip on their spears.

"We work ourselves to death. DAY AND NIGHT! But The King doesn't care about us!

"YEAH! EXACTLY" The crowd roared.

"Why should we follow his rules when he doesn't care about us?" One of the people from the group spoke.

"Why should we suffer?"


"The King should change his ways or we will overthrow his thrown!"

"Threatening to overthrow The King will lead you to be thrown in prison." One of the guards spoke as he pointed at the protestor with the sharp, pointy part of his spear that gave a little glint.

"Begone! You peasants!" One of the two guards spoke.

"We can't do so we need to see The King."

"He has no business with you." One of the guards spoke.

The small crowd began to yell much more loudly than ever and began to throw stones which hit the iron gate with a clang.


He inhaled deeply with his two nostrils before pulling the reins of his horse.

"I doubt we will catch them early your majesty!"

"I never planned to do as he pleased. I just wanted a breath of fresh air." He spoke.

"Then what's the plan?"

"Just know I like to drink."


It's been a week since The King had been traveling with his horsemen in an endless sea of sand- stretching beyond human sight; north, south, east, west. Not a sight of anything or anyone either than themselves. The sun glared down at them as it also breathed out fire at the poor travelers.
One couldn't make out a description of the them as they had wrapped their faces with a soft material only leaving their eyes.

Days and days they had been traveling- their mouth dry and crying out just for a drop of water- a gulp of their sliver was the only thing keeping them alive. Their stomachs had been growling every now and then.

The sound of their horses' stepping onto the sand filled the atmosphere as their feet sank deeply

"Crunch! Crunch!"

They had a long journey ahead of them and they had to keep their heads high and continue no matter the costs.

Soon enough darkness havoured like a lost cause- stretching miles and miles away. The once gleaming sun was no more, only the moonless dark sky stared down at them as if it would swallow them whole in the dark void. The twinkling, dancing stars were probably hiding from the darkness just like their father (the moon)- no where to be seen not even a twinkle of one star in the sky twinkled.

The desert had become more quiet like a cemetery- the sound of the whirl wind vast wind made then to tighten their grips on the reins of their horses. They could feel their souls becoming cold from the cold chill wind that blew every once and then.

King Gerald could feel an intense pain in his head and his vision began to blur.

Thirst...? Hunger...? Shelter...?

Perhaps all three.

In seconds he had dropped into the cold sand.


A few of his men cried out loud as they shook him, but he remained unhinged.

"Gerald you were always in my heart. Why did you do that to me? Why?"



"One love potion please," a soft voice spoke and the white headed man with a thick white beard that only  left his upper lip . He turned to stare down at a short woman dressed in a black cloak and he could make out her eyes that they were ocean blue as they stared into his silver eyes. He felt a sudden drown to her as if she were a magnet pulling him closer to her. His mind suddenly snapped out of the trans and focused on his job.

"That will be a hundred silver coins. Potions are normally expensive anywhere in the world. Just a drop of it will be enough. An entire bottle can lead to serious harm."


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