There's not much to do around here. Sure, many other sea creatures will happily interact with you, but even that gets boring after some prolonged conversation. What even was the point of leaving my house ? I could happily stay cuddled up in my blanket on the couch all day, not having to move or do anything. Then again though, that's all I do here. I'm not of specific use for anything -- I wonder what everyone would do if I locked myself in my bathroom for the rest of the week.
But, even with my uselessness in being here, I do have responsibilities and certain things to look up to. Like cleaning. I like cleaning ,, cleaning leaves much more room for acting ! Acting in a open place is so much more comfortable than putting on pretend plays in a crowded scenario.
So as I tie the garbage bag tightly at the top and throw the lightweight bag over my shoulder, ( It's really not that heavy ,, not that I have much garbage to get rid of anyways. ) I take a short second to reconsider things. It's not .. their fault I'm like this. I only have myself to blame, right ?
Maybe I can work on leaving my house more often ..