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Author : i wanna use some bad words 🌚 because I'm really really mad right now, i rewrite this part because of some issues in this shit Wattpad 👍🙂

Fairies shayd ab mein zayda pictures use na kar pau Hidayat of love ~ 😑 because of the f king problem 🙂👍


At Hybe Style 07:45

Taehyung was in his Office room working on his laptop when he heard a knock on the door

Taehyung : come in !

Elma : Assalamualaikum Mr Kim

Taehyung look up at her and nodded her head a lil and said

Taehyung : Hmm ,

Elma-mind : what is his problem oh Allah

Taehyung : Have you come here to see me or for some work?

Elma come back to the reality and felt embarassed as she realised that she was staring at him and cherry on top he noticed that

Taehyung : Mis Hana are you going to say something or not????

He said while working on his laptop

Elma : ahh- yeah sir actually here's your schedule and the worked files

Taehyung nodded his and and said without looking at her

Taehyung : put them on this table and tell me the schedule

Elma : huh???

Taehyung : you heard me ?? Right???

Elma : Yes si-

Taehyung : Mr Kim

Elma : mr- Mr Kim

Taehyung : so now ~

Elma : today at 09 : 00 ....... * She tell him his today's schedule and went silent waiting for his answer then he look up and said*

Taehyung : you may leave now ~

Elma : Huh??? leave???

Taehyung took the files and starting to check it out and she started to leave

Elma-mind : This ignorant person doesn't even have the manners to talk.

Taehyung : Stop !

Elma felt Shiver down to her spine when he suddenly command her to stop in a deep dark husky voice

Elma : eh???

Taehyung : come here

Elma goes towards him and stand infront of table Taehyung look at her and stand up from his seat Elma got nervous at the way he was piercing her soul with his sharpe dark eyes

Taehyung then stand right infront of her with files in his hands then he said

Taehyung : show your hands

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