Chapter Three

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I went into his room and let him lure me in knowing he was someone i barely knew. I breathed in and sat on his bed i wanted to get to know him since he looked less explicit then the rest of the boys. I smiled at him and he quirked an eyebrow he sat up and got closer smelling me or that's what it felt like. He chuckled and said that i was nervous as hell and that i should try and relax i tried to as much as he kept talking to me. After a few minutes we were talking about all sorts of things and i didn't even realize how comfortable i had gotten on his bed. Till someone knocked on his door and opened it peeking inside was a smiling quokka he came into the room and smiled at me. He introduced himself as Jisung and that he was sorry about earlier but that was a normal thing for boyfriends to do. I shook my head and chuckled then it hit me what he said i looked up at him with eyes so wide.

W wait you guys are poly no fucking way.

Well yes we are actually we have been for years now.

I d dont believe it ha and i thought i was the only one.

Well you aint love so no worries there come closer i was just about to cuddle you if you like.

I shook my head and stood up saying that i was really hungry so i was gonna go check up on the food. As i made my way i heard moans coming from Changbins room i chuckled lightly and kept walking. But soon i was pulled into someone else room and i freaked out so i struggled a bit to get a good footing. As i turned around puppy and fox were laughing a bit at the sudden scare i shook my head and huffed a bit. That's not nice you know i was genuinely scared i thought the demons had gotten a hold of me. They stared at me while i laughed a bit but stopped when i noticed the lack of laughing in the room. I cleared my throat and swung my arms trying to come up with a conversation starter.

How do you know about demons Lixie?

Ummm well i know they aren't real and that its all things from the bible and what not.

Not real huh are you sure you dont believe in the other world Lixie?

Well i believe there are ghosts but i dont wanna believe there are ghosts. So i close that door as soon as my mind plays tricks on me.

I see so you have no idea what you walked in on with Chan and Minho. Are you playing dumb or are you plain stupid? No matter how cute you are you wont fit in with us honestly especially with your answer just now. I hate to be the one to tell you this but you should leave and forget about ever meeting us Lixie or you will regret it later.

Its not that we dont like you its just that we aren't human Lix we are what you dont wanna believe exist.

I was really confused but their words hurt more than my confusion i didn't know i was crying till my body moved on its own. I ran out not knowing where i was and not caring about the others calling my name. I just wanted to get the hell out of their i kept on running till my lungs burned. I got to a clearing i remembered in the woods which meant i was close by home i kept running knowing exactly where i was at. As soon as i got home i opened and closed the door making sure it was locked then i went to check every window i locked them as well. I got to my room locked the window to it as well closed the curtains and flopped in my bed crying.  I reached for my phone and realized i had left it back with them when i remembered them the hurt that came with it was unbearable. I felt rejected as if i was nothing it was weird because i had just met them but my heart was in love with them. I didnt know what to say or think so i got up and went to go take a well deserved bath. As i sat there enjoying the bubbles a thought crossed my mind that made my body get cold chills how did they know my name if i never introduced myself? That thought kept replaying in my mind till i got a notification of work on my phone. I rolled my eyes and checked the message saying i needed to be at work later tonight. I thought i should quit my job and move back to my parents house and just live my life that way without worrying about the creepy owner of the store or the guys i met. I cried some more remembering the guys and how two of them hurt me through words but finished bathing then went to my closet to look for something to wear i got out my boxers and just went to lay down. That night i had the worst dream imaginable i kept getting chased by the unknown and cried and yelled for help but no one was around. I kept hearing the words of puppy and fox which made me spiral more to the darkness.

I didn't go to work for a week telling my boss i had gotten sick and he was ok with it so i just stayed in my apartment locked up. I had plenty of food so i didn't worry about it and my social life was never there so it was easier to stay in. I was mopping the whole time though getting mad at the fact that no one came to find me or anything like that. The last day before i had to go back to work i had ran out of tears and was just left with so much anger which gave me a boost of confidence. Without stopping to think about what could happen i found myself walking towards the place i ran away from in the first place. I felt something stir inside me it was a mixture of excitement and annoyed which made me confused as hell. I saw their house up ahead when i felt this pounding in my head and this excruciating pain running through my whole back. I howled in pain feeling heat take over my body and my bones started breaking i cried really loudly that i thought my head was gonna explode. Then i whimpered as if i was a dog i shut my eyes tight trying to get a hold of myself. Once i opened them up the place looked different the colors were more enhanced more vivid i heard noises i never heard before. Smells that were so enticing that i wanted to go explore. When i tried to get up i wobbled a bit then looked down and saw that i had fur i freaked and yellped. What the actual fuck i ran trying to figure things out and i got to the stream that was close by their home. I looked down and saw my reflection i was a wolf a silver and white wolf at that i looked behind me and i had a tail as well. I freaked out so much that i didnt know i was whining which was a cry for dogs and i didn't know i had caught the attention of the people i was there for to begin with.

I was tackled by the same black wolf i saw in the forest when i found Chan out i whined or more i yelled. I was so scared that i didn't know what to do i kept on crying and trying to move away from him. Not once did i look at the wolf who kept on snarling at me then i looked back and saw Chan i cried to him trying to get him to rescue me. The black wolf looked back as his ears fell down and then moved off me as soon as he did that i ran to Chan. I got to him and laid down at his feet then jumped on him licking his face. I kept on whining and licking him my tail wagging like crazy i didn't know how to communicate with him either. Chan please help me i kept saying i dont know whats going on with me im scared as hell please. Out of no where he pushed me off and patted my head then told the others to head back except the black wolf. He came over and i hid behind Chan scared as hell of the wolf Chan chuckled then told the wolf to shift back. That word caught my attention shift back hmmm maybe i can do it but the pain that came with it scared me. I saw the wolf turn to Minho as soon as i realized who he was i ran to him wagging my tail and whining till i tackled him. What the fuck is up with me its like i dont even have control over myself why would i do any of this. He chuckled which made me purr at the bliss of it and he patted my head a bit then nudged me to get off which i did.

Im assuming this is your first transformation isn't it?

I nodded my head then tilted it as well trying to let him know i was scared a bit.

Minho here can help you through the process usually werewolves tend to change with their packs. Which makes it easier and the pain lessen but since you probably dont have one or didnt know who you were it was a lot more painful. But once Minho accepts you in his pack the pain will be lessend and you can go back to being human.

I nodded my head again in excitement to get back to who i was originally. Minho stood there then he turned into his wolf and made me obey his command. As soon as i let him win i felt a connection and there were a lot of voices screaming in my head. I freaked out and shook my head moving back a bit trying to control the urge to puke at the new power i got. Minho chuckled then i heard only his voice and it made me calmer. As soon as i let him be the alpha i was feeling the transformation again. But this time it was so much easier and i felt myself turning back to human and i smiled widely. As soon as i was back it was quiet as hell and then i looked up at the two men.

Lixie?? They both said at the same time. I sort of freaked out at the fact that i was naked but my legs didn't respond. I wanted to run and hide but instead i was falling and my vision was blurring so much so i let it happen.

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