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♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ lady, hear me tonight!⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧

♡⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ chapter 11:⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧how soon is now ?

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♡⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ chapter 11:⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧
how soon is now ?

It was late at night and Bianca was walking through the streets trying to get home safely after she left the party.

While she was walking, she recreated what happened in her head and started to see a lot more of things that she didn't realize before since the only thing that was in her mind in those moments was how would she get out of there.

She felt bad for Miguel but mostly, she felt bad for Robby. She knew Miguel for a few weeks now, but she had known Robby for years and her friendship with him was really important for her.
Bianca cared a lot for him and she was scared that she might lose that connection they had after this stupid fight.

After walking aimlessly for fifteen minutes, Bianca realized that she had gotten lost.

How the fuck did she end up in a forest if she was walking down the streets a few moments ago?

She took her phone out of her pocket but there was no signal there. Great, how would she get out of there now?

Suddenly, she started to hear voices.
Was she going crazy?
Bianca put herself in a fighting stance, ready to fight whatever was there with her

Slowly, she started to approach the place where the voices came from and tried to understand what they were saying without getting caught.

— This is all your fault, I told you to let me drive!

— Oh shut up, you don't even have a drivers license.

Bianca didn't know why but that voices sounded familiar to her so she decided to get out of her hiding place.

And when she saw who were those people? Well, that was hilarious.


Moon screamed and ran to the girl to give her a hug.

— I was so worried about you, are you okay?

Moon talked again, caressing her friend's hair and hugging her again.

Bianca told her that she was okay and when Moon let go of her, she also saw Hawk next to a crashed car and Miguel sitting under a tree.

— So... How exactly did you guys end up here?

Bianca asked, she knew that Moon had a beer but she also knew that she wasn't drunk. Moon knew she will be the one that had to drive back home and she was responsible; so there was no way they crashed the car because of her.

— Well, that's a long story.

Hawk talked for the first time since Bianca was there.

— I think I have time.

lady, hear me tonight ! ⋆୨୧˚ 𝒞obra kai.Where stories live. Discover now