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"OMG! Cheolie look at these poor things , how could someone leave them like this" jeonghan Said in disbelief. "I know baby, but what should we do?" Seungcheol asked scratching a golden retriever pup.

Jeonghan suddenly thought of an idea "how about we raise them!" Jeonghan said as seungcheol looked at him like he was insane "what?but there are soo many of them" seungcheol said. "Ohh come on cheol they are little and they aren't that big , I'm sure we'll be fine" jeonghan said.

"Please cheolie pleeeeaasse" jeonghan begged cutely witch seungcheol couldn't say no to.
"Fine, how could I say no to you pretty" seungcheol flirted making jeonghan flustered and hit his arm playfully.

Jeonghan then realised that the pets were still here and they were outside in the cold weather "come one cheolie let's take them inside before they freeze" jeonghan quickly got up and grabbed two cages and left hurriedly.

Seungcheol chuckles at his husbands cuteness before he himself grabbed the other three cages and followed his husband back at the farm house.

Now the couple were looking to the little creatures not knowing what to do since neither of them had pets before. But they didn't have 1 nor 2 but 10! Pets. The couple had a little dicussion on them raising the pets or not. And they finally decided as they turn around facing 20 doe eyes looking at them confused.

The couple chuckled "we decided that we are going to raise you all" seungcheol said like they understood what he said. "As if they understood you cheolie" jeonghan said sarcastically done with his husband.

Seungcheol laughed nervously before scratching his nape.

~Time skip~

~With the pets~

(Before jeongcheol found them)

10 tiny creatures were put at the back of a moving truck. "Hyungs because of you two , we are thrown out again" said a sassy-white furball pup. "What? It isn't our fault that the fish's look delicious" said a ginger kitten.

" yeah no one told them to leave their fish's alone" said a tiger looking kitten. " I swear to god hui & Hoshi you guys are always the reason we are thrown out of pet shelters" a tiny white kitten said pissed by his friends.

"Not only them, but kyeomie was chasing one of the butterflies that escaped their cages and he made a huge mess!" A sassy, brown, fluffy looking poodle said. "But it was a big and pretty blue butterfly" said kyeomie innocently. Making a creamy coloured kitten smile at his cuteness.

"Can ya'll shut you ass up, cuz we're about to stop" said a golden retriever pup as he was wagging his tail and peeking outside the window. Then suddenly, the truck came to a halt making the little creatures go silent.

The back door of the truck was opened roughly as two men appeared. They each took a cage, they then placed them on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. "Ok troublemakers, have fun in the middle of nowhere"  one man said making the other laugh as they hopped on their truck before driving away.

"Son of a b*tch " said uji making boo & hao nod in agreement.

"Yah! Language uji-ya" shua said glaring at the white kitten

"What? It's true" uji said defending him self

"Yeah, don't forget that we have an innocent child here" wonu said covering kyeom's ears who was just
looking at everyone with confusion in his doe eyes.

"Whatever " uji said before rolling his eyes. He then slumped over his boyfriend's back tiredly.

"Hey guys" hui said nervously

"What?" All said in unison

"There are people coming" hoshi said making them all panic

"Shhh! Shut up or they'll hear you" hao warned as they all quieted down when two figures came up to them. One man was muscular and had strong yet handsome features. While the other had a slim and petite body and had soft and beautiful features.

The strong man walked up towards shua & uji's cage and slowly opened the little door. He looked inside just to get shocked seeing to little kittens huddled up on the edge of the cage.

"H-hannie look! There are kittens" the man said to the other while slowly reaching for the kittens.
"What? What do you mea-" he halted as he looked at what his husband was holding. He crouched down beside him, his gaze softly looking at the kittens that were in his husbands huge hands.

Soon they unlocked all the cages, just to see,  puppies, kittens, even a TURTLE!

The little creatures were shivering and looked hungry. That made the couple's heart break into pieces.
"Aww~ you poor things , you must be cold and hungry" jeonghan said looking at the little creatures with loving and gentle gaze as he caressed the German shepherd pup.

He then rapped his hands on his husband's biceps and looked up at him with his big doe pleading eyes
"Cheolie can we please keep them"  jeonghan said pleading as his husband looks at him with loving eyes. "Of course baby, anything for you" seungcheol said pecking his cheeks making jeonghan blush softly.

~While that was happening~

The ten little creatures were looking at the couple with confusion on their faces. "Hyung are we going to get adopted by these people?" Kyeom asked looking at the couple who were talking. "I think soo kyeomie" shua said. "YAY!! finally!" Boo cheered excitedly.

"Finally! We aren't abandoned anymore" gyu said, wonu smiled at the big puppy while leaning on him.
Uji suddenly turned towards hui & Hoshi with a deathly glare "don't f*ck this up assholes" he said making them both gulp in fear before slowly nodding.

"UJI! no cursing" shua scolded receiving an eye roll from uji. Shua sighed going back to cheering with the others. Hui leaned closely to hoshi's ear whispering "if shua and wonu are here, we'll be safe from your tiny gangsta of a boyfriend" Jun whispered earning a nod from Hoshi.

The couple then took them inside the house. The fed them and let get warmed up by the fire before letting them rest in the living room.


Hey loves!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please forgive me for updating late


But I'll try to update more frequently



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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