A Fading Hickey and a Flirty Call

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Taehyung walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped loosely around his damp hair, He walked across the room, his bare feet sinking into the soft carpet

A shy smile played on his lips as he opened his closet, he scanned his clothes, his fingers brushing against the soft fabric of shirts and tops

Taehyung blushed furiously as he unhooked the towel, revealing a big purple hickey in his cleavage area

He grabbed his makeup bag, rummaging through it until he found his concealer. he applied a green color corrector first, trying to ignore butterflies in his stomach

He layered concealer on top, blending it carefully until the hickey was mostly hidden.

Suddenly, his phone rang, taehyung glanced at the screen, he felt his heart race as he saw Jungkook's name flashing. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the phone, his heart hammering in his chest

"Good morning, pup," Jungkook said, his deep and husky voice filled his ears.

"G-Good morning," Taehyung managed to reply, his voice barely a whisper.

"Trying to hide the love bite I gave you yesterday?"

Taehyung's jaw dropped, his eyes widening in shock. He whipped his head around, scanning the room as his cheeks burned feeling nervous, His eyes landed on the discarded towel lying on the floor because he is totally naked right now

"Hey, don't panic, love," Jungkook chuckled "I'm not there, and besides, your room is on the first floor. How am I supposed to see you from here"

Taehyung let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, he smiled to himself as he looked down

"There you go," Jungkook continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "That beautiful smile is going to be the reason of my death one day."

"You're such a flirt" Taehyung mumbled with a smile.

"Only for you," Jungkook replied with a chuckle, taehyung bit his lower lip as his blush deepened hearing jungkook's words

"Hey, you want to hear my parents' love story?"

'Okay," Taehyung replied, a smile spreading across his face as he pulled the t-shirt over his head. He sat back onto his bed leaning back on the headboard, he pressed his phone close to his ear

He could practically hear the excitement in Jungkook's voice as he began to speak about his parents

"Well, my mom and dad went to the same college. My dad was a bit of a nerd, always buried in his books. That's probably why he was able to build Jeon Empire, the business we have now"

"And my mom" Jungkook continued, his voice softening, "she was a beautiful princess just like you" jungkook said and taehyung chuckled

"My dad was actually quite shy back then," he began. "He spent most of his time studying in the library Mom, on the other hand, was the life of the party. Everyone knew her, everyone loved her"

"So, how did they even meet?" taehyung asked with a small smile

"Dad was walking to his next class when he accidentally bumped into Mom, who was rushing to a lecture. Her books went flying everywhere, and Dad, being the gentleman he is, helped her gather them up."

"Then?" Taehyung asked, eager to hear the rest of the story

"My dad," Jungkook continued, "he looked up to give her books, my mom looked so beautiful wearing a pink dress, and that was it. He was mesmerized."

"Right then and there, he decided that she is going to be his wife in future"

"And your mom" tae breathed, a soft smile playing on his lips

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