Chapter 13~ Magician, Fuckface

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Harry's P.O.V

"Harry?" Alex asks.


"Alex." I nervously say and face her.

"What are you doing out here?" She slurs. Thank god she's drunk.

"Uh..I just needed some fresh air." I lie.

"Oh." She says a bit confused. "Who's the girl then?"

"I don't know, she's drunk and she just held onto me so I just laid her down." I shrug.

"Can we leave?" She pouts. "I don't feel so well."

"Of course." I nod, I take her hand and guide us back to my car. Ten minutes later, we arrived at her house. I walked to the other side of my car and helped her get out.

"Harryyy" Alex laughs.

"What?" I say.

"I have a secret." She whispers.

"And what would that be?" I chuckle.

"I can do magicccc." She giggles. "Shh, don't t-tell anyone."

"So you're a magician now?" I chuckle.

"Exactly." She nods. She puts her hand behind my ear and then pulls it back. "You had money behind your ear."

"Ah, look at you. You're a pro." I roll my eyes. She has quite the imagination when she's drunk.

"I can't l-let my p-parents see me drunk." She shakes her head and refuses to open the door to her house.

"You snuck out didn't you." I say.

"Yea." She giggles. "I'm bad, shh don't tell anyone."

"I don't think I have to tell anyone, everyone already knows."

How the hell am I going to get her into her house when we can't even go inside without her parents knowing.

"Ok I need you to hold onto me and close your eyes real tight. If you peek even a little, you lose and you won't be able to breathe." I tell her. Her eyes widen and she does as she's told. I take a deep breath and with my other hand, I begin to try to climb the wall.


Why does her room have to be on the second floor. She's not heavy but it's hard to climb a damn wall with one hand only.

Luckily, I managed to climb the wall fast enough so she didn't have the urge to open her eyes. Once we enter her room I put her down.

"You can open your eyes now." I tell her.

"How did you do that." Her eyes widen.

"That doesn't matter, I have to go." I say.

"Ok.." She frowns. She gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I guess that wasn't enough for her, before I knew it she was kissing me.

I went along with it for a few seconds but then pulled away. "Alex, stop. I'm not going to take advantage of you."

"Shh." She whispers and continues to kiss me for a few more seconds more. "Now you can leave."

"Oh, so you were just using me for your own pleasure." I fake gasp.

"Shut up." She giggles.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say.

> < > < > <

Alex's P.O.V

"God, I have a fucking headache." I tell Harper as I put my things in my locker.

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