Chapter 12 Profile

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Anya laid in bed looking at the ceiling the sun slipped through the small openings of the curtains, she had gotten back around 23:00 last night and had been greeted by a worried Holly. She had reassured the old woman that she was safe and that everything was alright and after a while managed to calm her down. Anya sat up in the bed and grabbed her phone and looked at the time, 7:30, Nat would be here soon so she got up and went to the bathroom. At the thought of Nat she could feel her face get slightly warmer and she looked at her reflection in the mirror. As she looked at herself she thought back to the short time they had spent together, she asked herself did she like him? Did he like her? It seemed like he was flirting but she was unsure, it had been some time since the last time she flirted with a guy and she felt a bit rusty. She has barely been here a week and has already been involved with more stuff then she ever dreamt of, and she had meet a guy. Anya shook her head snapping out of it and began to freshen herself up, she wanted to look presentable as Nat picked her, no, no she blushed again and thought as she was going to be helping with the meeting today, yes the meeting.

She stood outside the hotel looking down at her phone 8:15, Nat should be here now and as on que a honk made her look up. Nat had pulled up in his car and honked, she walked over and as she opened the door she was greeted by Onyx face between the front seats.

"Sorry I was late, had to get this guy to listen to me" Anya closed the door behind her and put he seatbealt on before she started to pet Onyx.

"No worries, just got worried you might have forgotten" she smiled at him.

"Hahaha, as if" Nat laughed and started to drive of, he reached for the cup holder and pulled a cup up and handed it over to Anya.

"Here, I thought you might need it" he smiled as he looked at the road ahead of them.

"Thank you" she took it and opened the small lid that covered the opening to the liquid.

"Hot chocolate!" she turned to him and gave him a big happy smile.

"I didn't know what kind of coffee you drink so I took the next best option" as he said that they pulled up to the station, Nat unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed the other cup containing some coffee for him. As they began getting out they saw several cars pull up and park around the station, out got both men and women and walked towards the entrance and in.

"Guess we got here in time" Nat placed a hand behind Anyas back and they both hurried over.

Chatter Chatter

Anya sat in one of the chairs and to her right was Nat and to her left was Kim, she was nervous. She began to look round trying to get familiar with the faces of the hunters as her eyes walked over each face, she saw Tina walking around and serving coffee, her eyes drifted down to the laptop in her lap and she began to fumble with the usb-device laying on top. She usually wasn't this nervus, she could easily make new friends and talk to random people anywhere she went but one thing she hated was to stand up in front of a bunch of people talking.

Nat looked over at her and gave her a slight nudge which made her look up at him and he saw her nervousness, he gave her a small smile.

"It is going to go fine" he said

"I know, I just hope they believe us. If they don't... who knows how this will end" Anya gave a sigh just as the door opened and Jermen stepped in.

"Thank you all for being here today" Jermen walked up and stood in front of the group.

"Some of you already know what is going on and some of you don't, so, I am going to keep this short. As we all know we have for years been having strange disappearances and deaths all around these mountains, even the other two towns" he nodded towards the cops Anya meet last time "are in the same position as we are, but today we are going to take one step closer to stop this mess. I would like to introduce to you Anya Fields, she is not from around here but she has been helping us gather information" Jermen turned to Anya and she stood up and gave a slight nod towards everyone and walked up to Jermen" for now I would like for all of us to listen to her" he walked over to the chair she had just sat on and sat down. Tina walked up to her and grabbed her computer and usb to plug it in, the room turned dark and the screen lit up and a power point presentation was displayed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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