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Hello everyone, I'm really sorry for being absent
I was so busy so I forgot about my ff

Information about characters.
Hwang Hyunjin - 24y.o guy with red - black hair,his parents work on big company(his dad worked with Felix's dad) and he is one and only child in his family.
Lee Felix/Yongbok - 22 y.o guy with bright brown hair,he has only mom and sister(elder sister,yes this isn't true,but it's just story)
His mom earns money of sleeping with different men.
Lee Know/Minho - 23 y.o guy with purple hair and he has boyfriend who he met in the street and saved him.
He doesn't have parents cuz his parents were broken up so lino became to a lonely boy with a cat face.
Han Jisung - 22 y.o boy with blond hair,he didn't know his real parents cause he's an orphan and he decided to escape.
Others you will know later.

Today Hyunjin's parents should come.
Hyunjin noticed that something was wrong with his baby,so he wants to ask him what happened.
Felix was nervous all day,but Hyunjin asked him what's wrong
He answered the he afraid of being not accepted.
Hyunjin was trying to calm his bf.
They decided to cook something together.
Felix started cooking,but Hyunjin didn't.
Hyunjin have never cooked brownies, and Felix helped him
After 1,5 hours everything was finished. They was too tired.
                          After 18 minutes

They heard that someone was knocking on the door.
They went to see who's that.
When they saw that it was Hyunjin'sparents,Felix started panicking.
Hyunjin opened the door and he said them to go inside house.
When they went they saw a handsome and short boy with bright hair who was bowing  and grating with them.
Hyunjin's dad wanted to shake Felix's hand and grate with him too. (Mr. Hwang and Mrs. Hwang)
Mr. Hwang: Hey,why my son didn't tell me that he has such a handsome and cute boyfriend?
Felix's cheeks started being red of the shyness.
Mrs. Hwang : what's your name my dear?
F:My name's Felix, but you can call me as you want
H: yes and he's my boyfriend,he's awesome,don't he?
Mrs and Mr Hwang :he's such a kind and cute boy,how did you meet each other ?
Hyunjin told them a story with their meeting on club.
They was laughing and crying of Felix's sad life stories.
Parents really love Felix and his politeness.
They decided that he'll be the best to their son.

Good night,evening,morning everyone.
I really apologise for forgetting about you,I will do my best,I promise
It will be more than 3- 4 parts,'coz I have no idea what to do on next chapters,if you know what to write you can write
Goodbye my hyunlixes ♡♡♡♡)))

hyunlix Fake LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora