First day in Paris

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                     -The next morning-
Asher- Yoo Kai!
Kai- Yoo Asher!
Lily- Ugh,What problem are you even having Olivia?
Olivia- You just mind your own business!
Lily- I'm minding mine but you are not minding your's!
Olivia- Yeah yeah whatever
Teacher- So students if anyone wanna go cafe or any restaurant they can go but come back to hotel!
Kim- Guys where are you all going?
Chizu- Hehe I go restaurant
Kai- I will come with you Chizu
Asher- I will go cafe
Chizu- Byieee guys Kai let's go!
           -Kai and Chizu went restuarant-
Kim- Can I come with you?
Asher- Sure!
             -Kim and Asher at cafe-

Worker- What will you like to have mam and sir?Asher- I will like to have a Frappuccino and a chocolate donutWorker- And what about you mam?Kim- I will like to have Cappuccino and a croissantWorker- ok anything else mam and sir?Kim- NahAsher- Nah ...

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Worker- What will you like to have mam and sir?
Asher- I will like to have a Frappuccino and a chocolate donut
Worker- And what about you mam?
Kim- I will like to have Cappuccino and a croissant
Worker- ok anything else mam and sir?
Kim- Nah
Asher- Nah
                       -After few mins-
Worker- Sir here is your frappuccino and chocolate donut
Asher- Thanks *-eats and drinks-*
Worker- And here is your cappuccino and a croissant mam
Kim- Thanks *+eats and drinks-*
Asher- What is the bill?
Worker- Umm Sir your is $30 and Mam your is $35
Asher- *-gives money-*
Kim- *-gives money-*
Worker- Thank you mam and Sir visit again
               -They left for hotel-
Kim- Walking here is so nice and pleasant
Asher- Yeah this place is such a beautiful place
Kim- *-slips because there was a banana peel on the road-*
Asher- *-carrys her and safe her from falling-*

Kim- Thanks :)Asher- Your welcome *-puts her down-*Olivia- Ayo what you both are doing here?Asher- What will you do after knowing?Olivia- And Kim I told you he is mine!Asher- Stop fighting with her I was never your's and I don't even wanna be your...

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Kim- Thanks :)
Asher- Your welcome *-puts her down-*
Olivia- Ayo what you both are doing here?
Asher- What will you do after knowing?
Olivia- And Kim I told you he is mine!
Asher- Stop fighting with her I was never your's and I don't even wanna be yours so just shut your mouth
Kim- *-in mind- Aww he is fighting for me and he saved me from falling-*
Olivia- Yeah yeah whatever I don't care
Asher- Just ignore her Kim
Kim- Yeah yeah
   -They reached hotel and they are at their    room-
Kim- Asher Can I ask you something?
Asher- Sure?
Kim- Why were you fighting with Olivia by my side?
Asher- Olivia always hate everyone who is with me so yeah if she bully you just tell me
Kim- Ohk!
Kai- What will you do now Chizu?
Chizu- I'm feeling so tired so I'm just gonna take a nap
Kai- My panda
Chizu- hehe *-sleeps-*
Kai- I just text with Asher
Kim- *-scrolls reels-*
Kai- *-text Asher- Yoo bro what are you doing?-*
Asher- *-text back- I'm doing nothing-*
Kai- *-text- My girl is literally my cute panda she is always sleepy-*
Asher- *-text- lol enjoy with your panda-*
Kim- *-in mind- With whom is he talking with?-*
Kai- *-text- What are you doing with Kim-*
Asher- *-text back- Nothing and why are you even asking that-*
Kai- *-text- Who knows you like her and she like you back-*
Asher- *-text- What problem are you even having with that I told you I don't even like her-*
Kai- *-text back- Who knows-*
Olivia- Nothing
Olivia- If wanna stay then stay
Lily- bruh
Chizu- *-wakes up-*
Kai- My panda
Chizu- Yes
Kai- Just sleep again it's midnight
Chizu- Okeh boss!
Kai- I'm not your boss T^T
Chizu- Hahaha I'm just kidding
Kai- *-sleeps-*
Kim- Asher you on insta?
Asher- yup
Kim- Can I get your I'd?
Asher- sure
Kim- Okeh done followed!
Asher- same
Kim- Now I'm going to sleep
Asher- okeh good night
Kim- good night
                  *-everyone sleeps-*
                    *-part-4 ends-*

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