The new gods. Pt 14

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Back to camp with Zoey and Keyla

Zoey and Kayla moved through the camp with a sense of urgency. The wind whipped through the trees, and the faint scent of pine filled the air. The previous night had left them with more questions than answers, and they hoped that Rhea, the mother of the gods, could provide some insight.

"Are you sure she'll talk to us?" Kayla asked as they made their way toward the sacred grove. "I mean, she's pretty high up on the divine hierarchy. What if she's too busy?"

Zoey shrugged. "It's worth a shot. Rhea's known for being kind and wise. If anyone would know why monsters are attacking Olympus, it's her."

They reached the grove, where a massive tree with silver bark stood at its center. The air felt different here, almost electric, as if the grove was charged with ancient energy. Zoey and Kayla exchanged a look, then stepped inside. 

(I know Rhea doesn't live in a grove but it made it easier so let's just pretend she does)

"Rhea?" Zoey called out, her voice echoing among the trees. "We need your help."

A soft rustling sound came from the treetops, and then a woman appeared, stepping gracefully from the shadows. Rhea had a serene presence, her long hair flowing like a waterfall of silver. Her eyes were gentle, but they held a depth of wisdom that spoke of countless years of experience.

"Zoey, Kayla," she said, her voice like a calming breeze. "What brings you to my grove?"

"We need to know about the monsters attacking Olympus," Zoey said, stepping forward. "Do you know what's going on? Who's behind this?"

Rhea's expression darkened slightly, her gaze shifting to the ground. "Monsters at Olympus? That is troubling. But I fear I may not have the answers you seek."

Kayla sighed, her shoulders slumping. "We've been hearing rumors about someone orchestrating these attacks. We thought maybe you'd know something."

Rhea looked at them with compassion. "I'm afraid I don't. But you might consider speaking with your mother, Athena. She has a way of understanding things that others do not."

Zoey frowned. "Mom hasn't said anything to us. Do you think she knows what's happening?"

Rhea gave a gentle nod. "Athena is a goddess of wisdom. If something is amiss, she would be the first to notice. Perhaps she hasn't told you because she doesn't want to worry you."

Kayla crossed her arms, her expression growing frustrated. "But we're not kids anymore. We can handle whatever's happening. If mom knows something, we need to know too."

Rhea smiled softly. "Athena has always been protective of those she cares about. But if you believe that you're ready, then you should ask her. She will understand."

Zoey and Kayla exchanged a look, uncertainty flickering in their eyes. Athena was their mother, but she wasn't always forthcoming with information. This time, though, it felt like something bigger was at stake—something that could affect all of Olympus.

"Thank you, Rhea," Zoey said, bowing slightly. "We'll go talk to our mother."

Rhea nodded, her silver hair shimmering in the light. "Be patient with her. She has her reasons for keeping things close to her chest. But she loves you both, and she will not let you face this alone."

As Zoey and Kayla left the grove, they felt a sense of resolve. If Athena knew something, they would get it out of her. They had faced monsters and danger before; they could do it again. But they needed to know the truth, and they weren't going to let anyone—gods or otherwise—keep it from them.

Feels like I'm finishing this story (the new gods not this whole story) today. I'm also going to publish a book with all parts. So you don't have to skip some chapters which have nothing to do with this story. And I'm just kidding. There are still some parts of the story left which are unwritten yet.

Bye, Clary

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