Chapter 4

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Realizing Lilith was taking a moment to eat her cold food, Eire decided this would be the moment to ask the questions that had been bubbling in her mind. She blurted them out faster than her mind could think. "Is Eve my mom? Is Yerzig really that nice I mean all Orcs are aggressive an mean right? That came out wrong. I mean to say that's what Anabelle tells me. Was it fun training? Where did you end up?"

"Eve is your mother," Lilith confirmed then took a long swig of beer. She took a moment to enjoy the cooleness on her throat. "Orcs are complicated. They actually are a matriarchal society. One day I'll tell you about my visit there with Yerzig and Eve. However simply put they live in the worst conditions and have learned fighting to survive is better than dying, so some come off a little agressive particularly if they are from the Krozgul region." Lilith took a moment to let that settle in.

"Oh." was all Eire could manage as she settle a little deeper into her seat embarrassed that she ever judged a whole race of people. She knew better. The Krozgul region laid between the icy hell of the strong magic region of the BLANK and the Magical Desert. Both of which are considered harsh regions with strong monsters. She couldn't imagine what it was like out there.

"You shouldn't listen to Anabelle she is..." Lilith took a moment considering her words. "a little racist."

"Part of me knows that," Eire sighed lightly as her mouth turned into a frown, "Dad had less nice words to say often."

"As do I." Lilith watched Eire curiously before continuing. "As for the training it was fun if you enjoy pain and torture. Lastly, I ended up in a new kind of hell."

Eire stared expectantly at the Daymon. "And then what happens?"

Lilith simply shrugged back and took a bite of her cold food.

"Lillith..." She was getting a little worked up. "You promised me a story."

Lilith took a long swig of beer and then paused before finishing off the rest of her beer. "I'm sorry, It's hard to talk about Amorette."

"Amorette? Is she..." Eire was afraid to say it.

"Dead? Yes." She sighed. "It's a story for another day. Perhaps we should get some sleep."

Eire was stubborn. "You promised."

"You look like your mother. You both are too good at begging." She sighed. "Tomorrow I'll continue over dinner again."

"Wait but I need to know. And Eve! What happened to her?"

"Eve? She's dead." The daymon sighed. "I'm old, Eire. Most people are dead now." With that Lilith got up and wandered upstairs leaving Eire sitting alone.

"That's not what I meant," Eire muttered under her breath. She knew Eve was dead, her mother died in childbirth. It only made sense that the Daymon who considered an Elf her sister would be Eve, but she wanted to know what happened to her.

Eric tapped Eire. "Love, it is well past the middle of the night. You should get some sleep."

Eire grumbled as she followed Eric. "It was just so interesting! I have to know what happens. Eve seems wonderfully kind and I hope she gets out of the house. Yerazig, I think she was at the funeral! And..." A yawn caught Eire by surprise.

Eric patted her head. "Lilith isn't going anywhere. You will hear more of the story later."

The two finally made it to bed and Eire passed out immediately. She hadn't realized how tired she actually was until her head hit the pillow and her eyes immediately closed into darkness.

The next day started like any other, except Eire was more excited for it. For the first time since her father got sick she was looking forward to the day. She got out of bed with a jump. Her bath was done with a song in her lungs. She even put on her brightest dress.

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