Chapter 5

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Back to you

I was almost out of air, surrounded by flames, and I didn't see Alastor anywhere.

"Wh-what did you to *gasp*"

"Who? The despicable eating grin demon lord?" I stared at him flabbergasted "Hah! He's done... You could meet him at hell!"

His words stung me like a thousand thunderbolts. Everything went dark, my bangs covered my eyes as they became lifeless. He noticed the sudden limp and brought his face closer to mine.

"Oh? Dead are we? Well, that will make--" The sound of spritzing came to his realization that the sudden agonizing pain came from the pierced blade of my sword.

He let out a scream, loud enough for everyone to hear. In response, he immediately loosened his grip. As soon I was out of his grasp, I took the chance to land on the ground and darted towards his body. Clenching the handle of the sword and thrust the tip of the blade through his throat.

Blood gush out, covering me in the process yet despise everything, the only expression I gave was nothing.

Using my right foot to push him away as my blade completely drenched in crimson liquid, he collapse on the ground seemingly trying to catch his breathe.

"I thought demons don't need air to breathe." He look up and his eyes widen in horror.

"Y-you--ACK! *cough* lit-little.."

In his perspective

Can you really call this child little? I'm looking at her and the only thing I can describe that menacing aura is "Dangerous". Behind that cold-blooded eyes, the god has her vessel's strings wrap around her fingers with nothing but a smirk.

And here I thought that I was the demon... She has the proudful look on her face.


"Not bad--*gasp* for a k-kid!" His words were falling apart with every breathe.

As the blood trickled to the tip of the sword and drop the ground. I wasn't aware that my eyes glowed.

He tried to speak again but the blood was clogging his mouth preventing him to even utter a word.

"You better remove the flames or heaven forbid-- I will slice you to pieces!" He gave me a smirk before opening his mouth.

"Too bad, the flame is going to eat you all!"  I raised my sword above my head, locking my eyes with his.

"Say 'hi' for all the demons in hell for me." In a blink, he was split in two. His body started to disintegrate to ashes until nothing was left.

[Report, it's over, however, a new member entered the room.]

[Huh? What are you talking about?]

"S-she split him into two!" Ranga felt completely terrified that he stuttered.

Upon the voices I hear, I trailed my eyes towards them until I lock with someone's deep golden eyes.

His pov

As soon we met with eye-contact, I felt a sting on my eyes causing me to let out a groan.

"Rimuru-sama, daijobudesuka?!" 


"I-I'm fine..." 

[That's weird... As soon as I closed my eyes, the pain vanish. But if I stare into her eyes again... It came back.]

Benimaru approach her and with the battle that ended seconds ago, I'm worried that something might happen.

"Benimaru, wait--" I stop when I notice how she walk away as if nothing happen.

"I'll let you handle the flames and you can forget that this happen." 

[Her voice...]

"At least give us your name."

[That's not the proper way to ask her name like that!]

She stopped in her tracks and without turning back, she only replied with

"Shouldn't you get rid of the flames first?" 

[She's got a point. It's not that hard to notice since we were near the scorching heat.]

"Don't worry, I can remove it quickly."

While I was busy using beelzebub to take out the fire, I didn't even notice that Benimaru was already near and manage to engage her into a conversation.


Back to you

"W-waah, agh! My eyes stings..." I rub my eyes and could feel liquid.

"Are you alright?" 

[Huh? Who is that?]

"Do you have a napkin or a piece of cloth?" I don't even know who I was talking to and yet I asked. 

"Here" I reach out and just held out my right palm without having to turn around. Whoever it was, he gave me something soft and light.

With the napkin on my grasp, I frantically wiped away the liquid that was streaming down my eyes. Heck, I don't even know if its tears.

"My eyes are killing me!"

"Hey, your going to damage your eyes if you roughly wipe it like that."

"But it stings! At this point, I'm crying tears of despair!"

"It's red." I freeze and took three seconds to open my eyes.

"WHAT ON EARTH?!!!" I screamed "I can't believe this is happening..." Then suddenly, I realized something. Rummaging through my bag and toss a mini bottle to whoever the person is near.

"What is this?" He asked, curios about the bottle on his hand.

"It's painkillers." I continued to remove the blood away from my face.

"It's what?"

"Painkillers, a type of pill to kill pain. Do you get what I am saying?!" I didn't even realize I snap at someone until I opened my eyes to know that it was the red kijin.

"I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to lush out my anger in fact I never snap at someone other than Alastor. He's a pain in the neck!"

"It's fine but are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." Letting out a sigh "Other than my throbbing leg and palm, I feel... so good."

"I think the blood loss is getting into your head."

"You think?" We both stared at one another before I burst out of laughter.

"Sorry, your right though."

"What am I supposed to do with this?

"I believe your master might have been affected."

"Your responsible?"

"Uhm, not exactly but perhaps it was me. I don't know much so just give it to him."

"How can I trust you that this will not harm Master Rimuru even further? It could be poison."

"Does he have poison resistance?"


"Then he won't die even if it's poison, which is not."


"I'm sorry but I never intended to harm anyone... let alone your Master."

"I'm confused..."

"Anyway, I have to go..." Before he could even speak, I left. I wasn't going to stay another minute knowing I might pass out from the major blood loss.

Gosh, what a day...

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