The Krakken/The Monster From The Deep

949 33 6

Scene: Lake

"A bright moon is lighting up the foggy forest below. A large lake, surrounded by trees and mist, stays undisturbed."

Ben: Cannonball! *jumping into the lake, making a large splash*

"Ben pops up back to the surface."

Ben: *imitating a sports commentator* "Judges score... yes! Perfect 10! Yeah! *imitates crowd woo-ing* The crowd loves him!"

Gwen: *watching Ben, unimpressed from the end of a pier, with a shining torch on hand, while Y/N was looking at him with a deadpanned expression as Anya was going the same* "A perfect dweeb" is more like it.

Ben: Come on, you two, dive in!

Y/N: *to Ben* No thanks, bud.

Gwen: ...Please! Who knows what nasty, slimy things are slithering around in there.

"Gwen shines a torch around the lake's surface to illustrate her point, landing the torch on Ben."

Gwen: I rest my case.

Y/N: *to Gwen* Wow, that was impressive. *she looks at Y/N and smiles at him*

Ben: What's the point in camping by a lake if you're afraid to get wet?

"Ben splashes the water from the lake towards Anya and Gwen, but Y/N prevented this as he quickly activates his Ultratrix, then he slam down on his Ultratrix as he transformed into Inferno. Inferno, then got in front of Anya and Gwen as he made the water that Ben sent towards him, Anya, and Gwen evaporate."

Anya: *to Inferno* Big bro is awesome as always!

Gwen: *to Inferno, as well* Thanks for the help, darling.

Inferno: *to Anya and Gwen* No prob, you two.

Gwen: *gasps, then she looks at Ben, and talks to him, angrily* Knock it off midget!

Anya: *looks at Inferno, confused* What's a midget? An apple?

Inferno: *to Anya* It is an apple and it's also one of the things that Gwen calls Ben as well. *Anya nods at him*

"Gwen walks away back to the Rust Bucket as Inferno and Anya follow after her, but as they do so, Ben begins to violently splash around in the water."

Ben: *started to get into the water/lake* Hey! *coughing* What's -- Happen--? *getting sucked under the surface*

Gwen: *to Ben, unimpressed* Very funny Ben... I'm not falling for it. *walking back over to shine a light on where Ben went under* ...Ben?

Inferno: *to both Anya and Gwen once again* I think that Ben actually got sucked into the lake!

Anya: *worriedly* Oh, no! Benji!

"The water bubbles and a giant green swamp-creature lurches out of it towards Inferno, Anya, and Gwen, growling at them. Anya and Gwen, scream in fright. When Inferno saw his younger sister and his girlfriend frightened by what they were seeing, Inferno hit the badge on his chest as he turned into a bipedal tiger, who was not only able to talk, but also was able to fight and also had a very short temper. This form of Y/N's is called, "Outrage", and he was not happy at the monster that was in front of them."

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