Playful Seduction

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Time seemed to slow down for Jungkook. He couldn't tear his gaze away from taehyung as he walked towards him holding Jimin's hand

Tae looked absolutely breathtaking, the pink color complementing his tanned skin perfectly. His hair was styled effortlessly, a few strands falling across his forehead made him look stunning

The pink lip gloss on his soft lips made those lips look even more kissable, Jungkook found himself frozed to the spot

Suddenly, Taehyung's eyes met his, with a playful smile tae raised his eyebrows he tilted his head slightly asking "How am I looking kook ?" Through his beautiful eyes

Jungkook, lost in the mesmerizing depths of Taehyung's eyes, could only blink in response, His heart hammered against his ribs

Jungkook's legs seemed to move on their own, his legs automatically took him towards taehyung, He stopped right in front of him, their faces mere inches apart.

"How are you, Jungkook hyung?" Jimin asked with a playful smirk

Jungkook barely registered Jimin's question. His gaze was locked on Taehyung, his eyes tracing the soft petal like lips of taehyung

"I am good" he murmured, "as long as your best friend is with me." His eyes remained fixed on Taehyung

Tae felt his heart skipped a beat, He couldn't tear his eyes away from Jungkook

Jimin chuckled shaking his head "Come on, Tae, we're getting late," he said, tugging lightly on Taehyung's arm.

But Taehyung didn't budge. He was lost in the depths of Jungkook's eyes, neither Taehyung nor Jungkook seemed to hear him. They were lost in their own world, their hearts beating in perfect sync.

Jimin looked awkward between the two lovebirds, He felt like a third wheel between so he cleared his throat

"Okay, see you later tae" he said looking at taehyung

Taehyung slowly nodded, his eyes still locked on Jungkook's face, jimin smiled walking away leaving them in their own world

Jungkook leaned closer to Taehyung. A playful smirk danced on his lips as he whispered, "Hey there, Mrs. Jeon."

Jungkook placed a soft kiss on Taehyung's forehead, lingering it there for a while, Taehyung closed his eyes enjoying the warmth of Jungkook's lips against his skin.

Tae opened his eyes again to see jungkook with a wide smile playing on his face

Jungkook's fingers gently cupped taehyung's face, his thumb tracing the soft curve of his jaw. His eyes were locked on Taehyung's lips, their breaths mingling in the space between them

He was about to close the gap to taste those lips again, just as their lips were about to touch but their college bell rang disturbing the love birds, Jungkook groaned in frustration as he moved back

Taehyung giggled closing his mouth, he pulled jungkook towards him by his collar as he tiptoed, Before Jungkook could react, Taehyung leaned up as he placed a big smooch on Jungkook's lips.

With a shy smile playing on his lips, he turned and ran away, leaving a flustered Jungkook behind. Jungkook watched him go, a chuckle escaping his lips.

It was a free period for the senior students which they rarely get, the students were having fun joking and playing games with their friends

Some students took the opportunity to catch up on homework, scribbling furiously in notebooks or tapping away on laptops

On the last bench, Jungkook and Yoongi were playfully teasing their friend Mark. Their laughter echoed through the room as they made fun of him, suddenly he received a call from someone

"Sir. The item you ordered today. I brought it to your college please come and get it"

"Okay" Jungkook said as he walked out of the classroom going towards the parking lot, He slipped his phone into his pocket

he smiled receiving a small velvet box from him, He spotted the store manager waiting by his usual spot, a small velvet box was in his hand. Jungkook's smile widened further as he approached, accepting the box with a silent nod of thanks. He tucked it into his pocket making his way towards taehyung's class.

"So class, today we are going to learn about molecular biology," Ms Kang [ 35 year old unmarried teacher ] declared, her voice echoing through the classroom as she wrote the topic on the board in bold letters.

Taehyung was lost in his own dreamworld imagining about jeon jungkook leaning his face against his palm, He twirled his pen between his fingers with a small smile playing on his lips

Suddenly, the classroom door creaked open, pulling Taehyung out of his dream world, He looked up, he felt his breath catching in his throat seeing Jungkook standing in the doorway, He couldn't believe his eyes he looked too real to be imagination.

As Jungkook walked inside the classroom, the junior students stood up on their feet greeting their senior "Good morning Sir" [ junior students address seniors as sir ]

Jungkook raised a hand, gesturing for the students to sit, his scanning the crowd, he smiled as his gaze landed on his princess, taehyung felt blush decorating his cheeks as Jungkook stared at him with his longing dark eyes

Ms. Kang's eyes narrowed at Jungkook. She strongly disliked him. In her opinion, Jungkook was a typical example of a "nepo kid" - born in a silver spoom, someone who had everything handed to him on a silver platter.

He came from a wealthy family, never had to struggle for anything, and yet effortlessly got admission into the most prestigious college in Seoul.

In Ms. Kang's eyes, he was a prime example of someone who achieved success solely due to his family's wealth and connections, not through hard work or merit.

Also Jungkook is friends with every teacher of the college and their principal too except Ms Kang.

"Hello Ms. Kang," he smiled looking at Ms kang. "Actually, I need to borrow Taehyung for a while... Tae, baby, come on," he said extending his hand towards Taehyung

Taehyung slowly stood up from his seat with pink cheeks, He was about to take a step towards Jungkook, But before he could move, he heard a loud voice of Ms kang

"Sit back right there, Taehyung!" Ms kang roared glaring at taehyung, taehyung gulped as he stayed in his place feeling nervous

"And you, Jeon Jungkook," Mrs. Kang continued, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "what do you think of yourself, huh? Calling students out during classes? Go and show your rowdyism behavior to other teachers. I won't tolerate this kind of disruption in my classroom."

"Why to other teachers, Ms. Kang? I'll show my rowdyism right here infront of you ," Jungkook smirked as he took long strides towards taehyung who was staring at jungkook with his wide doe eyes

Jungkook closed the distance between them as he pulled taehyung by his nape, he smashed his lips against taehyung's petal like lips, the shock of it silencing the entire classroom.

The students watched with wide eyes and open mouths

Taehyung hummed closing his eyes as he kissed Jungkook back passionately wrapping his arms around jungkook's neck, pressing their bodies together moving their lips together in a perfect sync

Ms. Kang stood frozen, her mouth agape in disbelief, While kissing taehyung, he wrapped his strong arms around the smaller boy's waist as he carried him up from the ground in a bridal style.

Jungkook made his way out of the class with tae in his arms, he broke the kiss as he opened his eyes, locking with Ms. Kang's wide eyes.

Jungkook stared at her, a knowing smirk spreading across his face. With a playful wink, he leaned down, reconnecting his lips with Taehyung's lips walking away from the class

The classroom door was shut behind them, leaving Ms. Kang speechless, a blush creeping up her neck, I mean who wouldn't resist Jungkook's charm.

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