Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The never-ending screams and darkness were something that Wei Ying had been dealing with far before his death. The death that he had hoped he would have finally had some peace from the screams. The death he chose. But death is not all it is chalked up to be, at least for demons like him. It is nothing less than what he deserved for all the chaos he had caused in life, the deaths he caused. The darkness he got used to, but the screams, he would fall into the burial mounds again anytime to avoid those. The screams of Madam Yu, reminding him of his failures and worthlessness. The scream of his Shijie when she took the sword that was meant for him, the gurgles of her last breaths. Over, and over, and over again. But the worst, the worst was him. In life, Wei Ying had yearned to hear him say his name. So much meaning could be heard in the different ways he would say it...Wei Ying. So many times Wei Ying had thought and hoped that his name was said with so much love it was almost tangible, but those are not the versions of his name he heard him say in death. For what felt like eternity he only heard him say his name in two ways...


How he had said it when Wei Ying realized that there was no longer chance of love from the man that held his heart.


A cry of pure desperation and anguish. With this one came the reminder of what it felt like to know he would never see his heart again. Because, with this death, one that was chosen, reincarnation for a chance to be with his soulmate was not something that could ever happen again. His soul, while not shattered, would be trapped as punishment.

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"I, Mo XianLi, call forth the Yiling Patriarch Wei Wuxian! I want revenge! I want them to pay! A soul for a soul! So it be done."

And the screaming stopped.

In place was the tangy taste of iron, and the putrid smell of old blood. The air was stale and suffocating, but there was also something that Wei Wuxian was beyond grateful to see. Amidst the all too familiar darkness, were small beams of sunlight flitting through the cracks of boarded-up windows. Light. In an eternity of darkness, giving the smallest chance of hope.

Taking note of his surroundings, he noticed that he was laying on the cold floor of a small shack. What once was probably a small servant quarters but now delipidated an condemned. Few were the furnishings and even fewer that were not broken. Strings of talismans danced in the draft from the windows and door. The floor was uneven, made of stone and dirt, poking roughly into his side. Moving his fingers caused him to scrunch his face in confusion. Sticky. He looked at the floor where his hands were resting only to find a puddle of blood. He felt his arms tremble as he tried to quickly sit up from the floor, but as he did so, he could further make out the markings of an array. The array was intricate, and judging from the puddle underneath him it was from the blood of his own body. He blinked his eyes as his vision started to blur.

'No wonder I'm so weak with losing all of this blood' he thought.

He brought a blood-soaked arm closer to his face and pulled the sleeve back to find multiple deep cuts along his forearm. Wei Wuxian groaned in realization as to how he came to be in this place.

'Soul summoning sacrifice. This person had to be hopelessly desperate. How did they even find how to do this ritual? They didn't even tell me what they want me to do!'

He rubbed his face in frustration.

'I'm on a time limit now and they didn't even tell me what to fucking do! Wait...wait.'

Something wasn't right. He quickly pulled his hands from his face and looked at them. They were bloody, expected. They were small. They were dainty. NO. Moving his now shaking hands to inspect the rest of this body, his new body, he first moved to his chest. Instead of the firmness of his pecs that he was so used to, he found soft mounds of flesh.

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