7 - You Filthy Little Girl

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7 - You Filthy Little Girl



Aiden placed the diary on the coffee table between us, including the ruffled pages all straightened out. I looked at the leather-bound diary and those pages with wide eyes.

He knows. He read it. He read how I fantasize about him.

"Look at me," he commanded, his voice deep.

I shook my head, closing my eyes and wanting to run away. I felt embarrassed. I didn't want him to look at me. I didn't want Aiden to know how I felt about him like that. Zara was right. Only if I had confessed my feelings before, none of this would have happened.

Aiden repeated himself, but it was a warning. "I said look at me, Petal."

I didn't move an inch, hoping, praying that it was all an embarrassing dream and I would wake up soon.

"I won't repeat, Petal." He said, his low voice making me shiver. "Look. At. Me."

Too scared and embarrassed to do something else, I raised my eyes and saw the swirls of emotions in his onyx eyes.

With his jaw clenched, he nodded in front of him. "Come here."

I blabbered, "I am sorry, Aiden. I-I don't know what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking—"

He remained calm, but I knew he was angry that I had lied to him. "I didn't ask you to speak, did I? Come here, Ivy."

He said my name. Again.

Shit, I am in trouble.

I didn't move, my stomach clenching with nerves. The cold air felt sultry as it weighed over my prickling skin. The clock ticking on the wall behind me, assuring me of my impending doom.

"Now." He growled.

I gingerly stood up, swallowing the lump in my throat. I was about to walk towards him when Aiden said,


My jaw dropped. "What? I am not going to cr—"

"Yes, you will, Petal. Isn't that what you do in these fantasies of yours when you think about me dominating you, hm?" Aiden said, his commanding voice stirring something warm in my lower stomach. His intense gaze pierced my skin, urging me to bend to his will.

Well, he is right. But this is different.

I looked between him and the door to the hallway where his assistant sits at the cubicle desk.

"I asked Gary to leave early," he answered my unspoken question. He knew this would happen. Ohmygod. Clenching his jaw, he said, "Crawl to me, Ivy."

I shook my head, my fingers brushing over the hem of the dress and twisting it.

"If you won't crawl to me right now, I will discipline you." With his eyes on me, he continued, "Or you can leave this room right now, and I will assign you a new therapist, move to a new house, and never talk about this again."

My heart hurt at hearing the second option. I didn't want him to forget about whatever this was. I didn't want another therapist. I wanted him. Only him.

"Discipline me?"

"Do you want me to walk there and drag you here?"

Yes, please.

I shook out the mental image from my head and slowly lowered to my knees. I couldn't look him in the eye. It felt humiliating, yet my underwear was drenched with arousal. I pressed my palms on the soft white rug and squeezed my eyes shut when I got on all fours in front of Aiden. My brother's best friend. My crush.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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Twisted Therapist 18+ Brother's Best Friend Age Gap RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now