chapter 1.

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"You ready, xel?" A soft female voice asks the blonde male. "Yeah - yeah, I am, but uhm, I think I know what I want to be called," he speaks gently. "Oh?" She turns to face him. "Grian. My name is Grian." He smiles at his sister. "You're going back to Grian?" Grian nods. There, two of them stood in front of the glass watching the planes come and go,Grian or formerly known as Xelqua, was shifting anxiously pacing back and forth. He was nervous. It would be the first time in years that he got to see Jimmy. His brother. "You'll call when you land,yes?" Pearl cups her brothers face gently. "Yes, pearl, I'll call when I land." Grians hands gently lay on her wrist. Pearl wasn't going with him. She was staying there. She mentioned probably joining Jimmy and Grian in the town after a while, but not much more. She was only pass security because she was a pilot and had work. Grian lets out a heavy sigh. His forehead pressed to pearls. "You got this, Grian," Pearl whispers. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried. After everything Grian went through, she couldn't help but worry about him. Grian smiles a soft, hesitant smile. "yeah- I know - but in so scared - what if -"  Grians hesitancy gets cut off. "Grian,you got this. You're gonna be with Jimmy. You ain't gonna be alone. You're gonna be okay." Pearl speaks her voice shaky. She was nervous. When Grian fell into his spiral the last time her and a few of the empire folks mostly Lizzie, and Joel helped him. Now he was gonna be several hours away, and yes, Jimmy would be there as well as Mumbo granted Grian didn't know that, yet she was still nervous. Grian nods. "If you need me, give me a call. I'll be on a plane to you in a matter of minutes, " she speaks softly. "I know you will." Grian gently reaches up and hooks up pearls tie for her. It's probably the last time he'll be doing so before she flies. Pearl glances at her watch. "It's time,I gotta go..." Pearl engulfs Grian in a tight hug before rushing off to the pilots quarters to board her plane. Grian waves and turns back towards the window. Waiting. Watching. Grian lets out a sigh and sinks into his chair, glancing at his phone. His phone remains quiet until they call his row to board. He boards the plane rather quickly, finding his seat. The plan ride went well, and upon exiting the plane, Grians met by two arms engulfing him. "Gri!" Grian laughs, engulfing his twin brother tightly. "Oh, how I've missed you, Timmy!" The taller blonde laughs "well cmon then we outta get home!" Jimmy laughs, grabbing his brothers hand. Pulling Grian by his hand to a car. A car that will start their journey home. Home. Such a silly concept. As if 4 walls and a roof could ever erase what happened. Perhaps not, but Grian was ready. Prepared to erase it. Prepared to become new. Prepared to accept his new home. Perhaps Home is a person and not a place. He hasn't felt this free in a long while. Laughing and singing to the radio as him and Jimmy head to their home. It was still weird. Being with his brother in a new town. A place he didn't recognize. A place where Evo and listeners and speakers and watchers don't exist. A place where Sam and taurtis didn't exist. A place where he was just Grian. A place where he could just be Grian. Not a watcher. Not a God. Not anymore. "Oh, uh, I have a meeting when we get back, so you'll be alone for a bit. There should be plenty of time for you to get settled," Jimmy explains. "Meeting? For that art job for yours?" Grian asks,"Writing job and not quite. Just a meet-up with some friends, " Jimmy laughed "Oh uh cool,cool" Grian coughs awkwardly as they pull up to the house. "Gri,it's okay I'm only in town hall down the road so if you start to spiral come find me besides I just wanna give you time to get settled without me being up your ass" Jimmy lightly hugs his very traumatized brother. "I- I know,it's - I haven't been alone. In a very long time," he whispers. "I know, Gri. I know. But hey, I'll be right down the road. " Grian nods and waves Jimmy off. Once Jimmy is gone,Grian retreats back into the house and starts the very slow and painful trek of unpacking. Grian plops onto his bed with a sigh. He wasn't used to this. A place where he was safe. He was used to being chased. Being called a name that wasn't his own. Forced to be someone he wasn't. Grian shoots up in panic, his eyes wide. Tears brim his eyes as he glances around and suddenly panicked. T? Where are they? Wait - no, I'm not there. I'm with Timmy. Fuck. Grian staggers out of the bed and rushes down the street. He needed him. He needed his brother. He was already spiraling. Grian comes across the town hall building and starts knocking. A tall man with brunette hair and dog ears opens the door. "ey there, dude, you alright?" Cincern fills the hazel eyes staring at him,"I- I need- need Jimmy. " Stutters out. Inside the room, a chair scooches against the rough wood floor. "Grian?!" Jimmy rushes out the door to his brother. "Wait, Grian?" A familiar voice ask. Jimmy takes gruans face in his hands. "Gri breathe,breathe, it's okay. I'm right here. You're here. Fuck. Okay, Gri, take note of what's around you, " Jimmy instructs. "T town hall,y you,h home,t the park,c cafe." Grian starts naming everything he could see and hear before eventually letting out a slow and shaky breath. "There ya go,you got it, buddy. See? Your home." Jimmy tightly hugs his brother. "Ey! Stop staring and go back to what you were doing!" The brunette orders. Everyone but one person listened."mJ, you not hear me or something?" The brunette crosses his arms. "Ah sorry ren,just Jimmy said his name, and I wanted to see if it was who I thought it was." The mustached man explains, returning to his project, receiving a nod from Ren. "Give em a minute," Ren speaks softly. Grian lay in his brothers arms, still shaking. Terrible thoughts and memories running through his kind. Forgotten memories just barely rising. Grian lets out a shaky breath. "You okay now?" Jimmy asks. "Yeah- yeah- uhm was that mumbo I heard," Grian asks.  "Ah yeah,he heard it was you and freaked," Jimmy laughs. A small smile finds its way onto grians face. "Well, cmon,you can get comfy with that book of yours by mumbo," jimmy leads grian into the hall. Ren walks over to the two blondes. "Sup dude, names ren,I pretty much run the group." Grian awkwardly shakes rens hand. "He's gonna be joining us if that's okay." Jimmy's hand lay on grians shoulder. "Oh, that's perfectly fine. Alright, everyone, listen up! Jim's brother, grian, is joining us. I expect top behavior and for yall to behave yourself!" Ren claps his hands, talking to the group, getting a bunch of yes sirs in reply. Grian smiles as he rushes over to mumbo. The mustached man hugged the blonde tightly. "When Jimmy said he had a surprise. i didn't think he meant you." Mumbo laughs. The blonde laughs, hugging his friend close. "Gosh,I've missed you, mumby." Etho draws his attention away from the two men,"yo Ren! Mumbo knows the new guy?" He asks. "I guess so," Ren notes, looking at the two who were talking. Grian had a book in his hand and mumbo messing with a redstone device. The two chatting as if they had known each other for years, and well, I guess they kinda have. Jimmy scoots in next to Scott, and tango noting grian seemed to be okay now. This would take some time. They both knew that. Grian and jimmy both knew grian wasn't just magically gonna be better because he moved. It would help sure but it wouldn't erase the memories. Grian just needed to do his best not to spiral, and jimmy had every intention to help. Jimmy was more than happy to see grian instantly attach himself to mumbo. It meant mumbo could help as well. Jimmy goes back to the small craft in his hand. "Hey mumbo,mind if I join you two?" A voice calls. Mumbo turns to the brunette in the wheel chair. "Oh, not at all! Grian, this is scar,scar grian. " mumbo introduces the two. "Pleasure to meet ya!" The brunette smiles at the blonde holding his hand out. Grian stares at the brunette hesitantly before shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too," grians voice was soft. The kindness in scars hazel eyes was new. He was used to seeing darkness and evil behind hazel eyes, not kindness. "Once Gri warms up a bit, you'll love him. Hell, you might just fall in love with him scar." Mumbo laughs. Scar flushes lightly. "Yeah?" Scar adjusts himself before putting the breaks on."Oh yeah, he's just as if not more chaotic than you!" The ravenette casts a glance at the blonde. "Mumby! Shush!" Grian huffs receiving a chuckle from the two males. Grian lets out a small smile. The rest of the group is spent with grian scar and mumbo laughing and joking. "Looks like your brothers  doing good." Gem, who was sat across from Jimmy, speaks softly, glancing across the room. "Huh? Oh yeah, " jimmy follows her sight. "I'm kind of glad those two are here. They can really help him. " jimmy gently places down the paint brush. "Is that selfish?" He asks. "Not at all. Mumbo and scar are good people, and it looks like the three of them are friends already, plus it's natural to want your brother to be good." Gem smiles gently st Jimmy. "Thanks, Gem." Jimmy packs up his stuff. "Yo! Gri! I'm headed home. Are you coming?" Grian immediately stands up "bye scar! Bye mumbo!,coming timmy!" Grian rushes after his brother books tucked tightly in his arms. "Looks like you made a friend," Jimmy notes as him and grian start walking. "Huh- oh, you mean scar?" Grian asks. "No, I'm talking about mumbo. Of course, I mean scar!" Jimmy laughs. "He's nice." grian speaks softly, and they enter their shared house. "I'm glad you made a friend that's not me or mumbo. It's good for you, " jimmy smiles softly. "Can I go to bed now?" Grian asks. "You dont have to ask Gri. You're not with the watchers. Not anymore" jimmy whsipers. Grian nodded and quickly hugged Jimmy before rushing off to his room.everything was exhausting. Jetlag. friend. Town hall. Nightmares. Evo. Yhs. Kov. Watchers. Grian seriously needed a break. Hopefully, he'd be able to get some sleep without nightmares. Grian lets out a soft sigh snuggling into the red covers.

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